Today we went to the atty's office to sign the forms regarding my post-filing financial counseling class. We sat and chatted for a bit and he nearly fell over when we commented that I had a PACER account !!! He said that in all his years in this business, he has NEVER encountered a CIVILIAN (or non-legal person) to have a PACER acct!! He said that there were very few LAWYERS in the city (where he works) who even have a PACER acct !!! He was incredulous and quite amused. He understands the reason behind it, but had never encountered a client who actually SIGNED-UP for one! He tried to scoff about the fact that they charge you, etc., and I explained about the >$10, etc. etc. He was just amazed that we knew all about that.
He was even MORE incredulous when he found out that we actually sought counsel, support, and information on INTERNET FORUMS! He thought that was hilarious. I had mentioned that I needed to find a support group and talk to people who had been through this process before and commented about learning what to wear, what not to wear, etc. He nearly fell over again and said........ "There's an internet forum specifically designed to tell you WHAT TO WEAR TO YOUR 341 ???!!!" He was DYING of laughter. I said..... "NO, not just that, but LOTS of helpful information and guidance about the whole process." Although he knows his business, fowards and backwards and is very thorough, he is not very tech-saavy and is just incredulous about how much research and preparation we've done on our own, especially on the internet. *LOL*
I find it amazing that he has never encountered this before. Granted, we live in central PA and it's pretty rural outside of the major cities, but this particular city is not small and we just found it surprising.
Oh, just thought we would share our humorous experience from today.
He was even MORE incredulous when he found out that we actually sought counsel, support, and information on INTERNET FORUMS! He thought that was hilarious. I had mentioned that I needed to find a support group and talk to people who had been through this process before and commented about learning what to wear, what not to wear, etc. He nearly fell over again and said........ "There's an internet forum specifically designed to tell you WHAT TO WEAR TO YOUR 341 ???!!!" He was DYING of laughter. I said..... "NO, not just that, but LOTS of helpful information and guidance about the whole process." Although he knows his business, fowards and backwards and is very thorough, he is not very tech-saavy and is just incredulous about how much research and preparation we've done on our own, especially on the internet. *LOL*
I find it amazing that he has never encountered this before. Granted, we live in central PA and it's pretty rural outside of the major cities, but this particular city is not small and we just found it surprising.
Oh, just thought we would share our humorous experience from today.
