Paid $3,000 for the filing, had a business go bad too, sounded expenive but wth some business incuded, thought it was about right. We met another attorney before that and we were told that we couldnot even because we made too much money. Talk about a kick in the pants, I am getting sued by the bank, credit line and forclosure on unfinished new homes, and I can't file a bk. That is how this whole thing got started, I needed a lawyer and fast.
Hopefully next week we will get some good news from the mill attorney. Or should I say paralegal. By the way, I mention that many times in my rants, I mean posts, I mean no offense what so eer to pralegals, I just want to talk to the attorney and get some results. I know a good paralegl carries the heavey load quite often or the atorrney, so if I offended, I apologize.
Hopefully next week we will get some good news from the mill attorney. Or should I say paralegal. By the way, I mention that many times in my rants, I mean posts, I mean no offense what so eer to pralegals, I just want to talk to the attorney and get some results. I know a good paralegl carries the heavey load quite often or the atorrney, so if I offended, I apologize.