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Discharged !!!!!

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    Discharged !!!!!

    No muss, no fuss, no assets, no delays, no APs, in fact, not a peep from a creditor. Preparation works, time works, my attorney rocked, and the San Diego court runs like clockwork (discharge on Pacer one day after the 60 days expired.)

    Still need to get my career back on track, but now I work for myself, my kid and my retirement... not Amex, Chase, B of A and the rest of the usual suspects. I will treasure this fresh start as the gift it is and use it well.

    Planning and positioning myself just right was a lot of work... but compared to many of the stories here I feel luckier than I deserve... I managed to navigate the ridiculousness of the law and process quite well.

    And the people here rock... it would NOT have gone well without you... and believe me I scoured the 'net far and wide for info.

    I am definitely Thankful.
    Last edited by keptdigging; 11-23-2010, 10:05 PM.
    12/2009 Stopped paying CCs; 3/10 1st suit;
    8/2010 finally served; No Asset 7 filed. 11 mos since last bal xfer
    9/22/10 60 day club; 9/24/10 report of no distr; 11/23/10 DISCHARGED

    Congratulations. Best wishes on your fresh start!
    Filed pro se, made it through the 341, discharged, Closed!!!


      Congrats and enjoy your new bright future!
      Filed Ch. 7 on 9/30/10---341 11/12/10---Report of No Distribution 11/16/10

      Discharged 1/21/11 Closed 1/26/11


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