When I was ohh 18 or so (6 or so years ago) I was in michigan in my sisters SUV. I feel a sleep and hit a truck, my drive side front tire his his rear driver side and dam near ripped the axle out of the truck. Luckily no one was hurt and we all walked a way with out a scratch. My sister had insurance but I guess since we both lived at home I was not covered because we lived in the same house and I was not on the policy.
I say it was all bull **** but what ever. When I had the wreck I got a ticket for no proof of insurance as she had took it out. when I got home I faxed her copy to the sheriff and the ticket was thrown out. Well when the other couple called my sisters insurance company and was told they would not pay, the went to their insurance and got paid through uninsured motorist. Something in the neighbor hood of 12k I think.
I got a phone call about a month or or after the accident requesting insurance info. I told the woman I was license driver in indiana and did not personally own a vehicle, I also told her I was a poor high school student with no money or job. She said ok and she would call me and let me know how they wanted to handle it.
I never got the phone call back, it has never shown up on any credit report, I have never been sued or asked to pay the money(not even sure of the amount), I also have no idea of the insurance company nor how to find out.
SO do I not worry about it since it has been at least 6 years or dig up the info and file on it.
here is my concern if I dig it up being 6 years I doubt I can only way would be the sheriff office and I doubt they have it 6 years later. If I dig it up file on the debt it worries me the insurance company newly reminded of the large debt goes to Michigan or even indiana and has my license suspended and I have to pay the debt to get it back. Which would mean it gets discharged and I still have to pay it to get my license back which I have to have.
I am thinking just forget about it and should it come back pay it some how one day. What do you think? I know in indiana if you have a wreck and no insurance they make you pay the debt of the wreck before you get your license back.

I got a phone call about a month or or after the accident requesting insurance info. I told the woman I was license driver in indiana and did not personally own a vehicle, I also told her I was a poor high school student with no money or job. She said ok and she would call me and let me know how they wanted to handle it.
I never got the phone call back, it has never shown up on any credit report, I have never been sued or asked to pay the money(not even sure of the amount), I also have no idea of the insurance company nor how to find out.
SO do I not worry about it since it has been at least 6 years or dig up the info and file on it.
here is my concern if I dig it up being 6 years I doubt I can only way would be the sheriff office and I doubt they have it 6 years later. If I dig it up file on the debt it worries me the insurance company newly reminded of the large debt goes to Michigan or even indiana and has my license suspended and I have to pay the debt to get it back. Which would mean it gets discharged and I still have to pay it to get my license back which I have to have.
I am thinking just forget about it and should it come back pay it some how one day. What do you think? I know in indiana if you have a wreck and no insurance they make you pay the debt of the wreck before you get your license back.