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discharge date confusion

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    discharge date confusion


    I am wondering when does the clock start ticking for the 60 day discharge of my Chapter 7? I filed March 12, 2010, 341 meeting held April 14, 2010. PACER says something like objections to debt due June 14, 2010. When will I be discharged?

    Thank you,

    June 14 would be the conclusion of the 60 day period. Depending on what district your in and how backed up they are you will likely be discharged within 1 to 30 days after the 14th of June. As you read in the forums some people report way out to 90 days past the 60 day period but that doesn't seem to be the norm.

    I would guess within 2 weeks of June 14th


      The 60 Day Clock starts ticking the day of your 341. If you are a simple, no asset Ch7, you should be discharged shortly after the 60 day period ends. As Helpinfl said, this can depend on how backed up in cases your district is.

      In our case, we were ruled An asset case, and in our particular case, an additional 30 days was added on in which creditors could file objections. This addition of time does not always happen.

      Also our case file was lacking a copy of our marriage license--which we took with us to our 341 and tried to give the trustee, who didn't want it. As our case dragged on two months after the NEW deadline without a discharge, we called our case worker who informed us of this little missing detail. Once the license was faxed in, the caseworker Discharged us later that day.

      Good luck to you!
      "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

      "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


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