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Please help, used credit card after filed

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    Originally posted by Dannmcg357 View Post
    Don't keep it from him, He can't help you if you don't disclose it to him.
    Yes, tell him/her. They are on your side! I'm sure they will know just what to do if anything.
    Attorney Retained/Paid: 1-4-10
    Online CCC-Completed & Cert Received: 1-8-10
    Filed Chapter 7 1-18-10.
    341 3-10-10 ~~~ Last Day to Object: 5-10-10


      My condolences, concur with the others, it probably won't cause any issue.

      OhioFiler was trying to help you, though you took it wrong. The point was: NOW is the time to be preparing so these things do not happen. Start saving every bit of change, and making some changes in your lifestyle.

      It does not point to a good future if the first $300 expense you encounter already has you hitting credit cards. Time to make changes that ensure you don't end up back on this board in 6 years asking about filing again. Or worse, three years, when there is not a thing you could do.

      OF's intent, and most of ours, is good, and honestly meant to help.


      11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
      12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?


        DMC and Ohio and all - I am sorry if I took it the wrong way. We have not even had a chance to save up for our life as "cash only" people. I haven't used a credit card since June of 2009. It feels great and now this goof. I did put the rest in the shredder. Thanks for the advice.
        Stopped paying CCs 6/09
        Filed 1/10
        341 = 3/10
        6/22/2010 DISCHARGE!!


          Originally posted by weRN2deep View Post
          This is really hard to post, so please be kind before chastising me. It has taken me this long to even ask... I'm very upset and scared.

          Our BK was filed 1/31. 2 weeks ago our very-loved cat fell ill. One day she was fine and the next she was non-responsive. We went to the vet and she was dying. The vet said we should do some tests, and long story short, we had to put her to sleep. She died in my arms.

          In a moment of desperation I used a care credit card that was not listed on our BK, it had a zero balance and I actually thought the acct would have been closed from non-use. I hadn't used it since 2007. $300 was put on the card. I actually stood at the counter expecting it to be declined, but it went thru. We didn't have any cash and felt desperate.

          I don't know what to do.... are we in huge trouble?
          I'm very sorry to hear about your cat . I had to put down both our elderly cats last summer within a few weeks of each other; I know it's very difficult.

          I would think the worst is you'd have to pay back that amount.

          You acted in love during a stressful moment. Your story is compelling. The charges weren't excessive; and, you're prepared to pay them. I don't think you have a major problem. Try to suspend your worry and focus on healing. If the Trustee inquires about the charge, explain your story and intentions.
          I agree with this.
          1/22/10 - filed Chapter 7 pro se
          3/2/10 - 341 meeting
          5/6/10 - discharged and case closed


            Thank you. I am still heart broken. She was with me for 20 years! and I found her at my father's funeral in 1990 so I always associated her with him. I think I have some delayed grief as when I found her as a kitten, that horrible day sort of vanished for me.

            I plan to pay back the $300 if they'll accept the payments.
            Stopped paying CCs 6/09
            Filed 1/10
            341 = 3/10
            6/22/2010 DISCHARGE!!


              Originally posted by weRN2deep View Post
              Thank you. I am still heart broken. She was with me for 20 years! and I found her at my father's funeral in 1990 so I always associated her with him. I think I have some delayed grief as when I found her as a kitten, that horrible day sort of vanished for me.

              I plan to pay back the $300 if they'll accept the payments.
              Yeah, stop stressing. It will all work out!
              New Orleans: Home to the World Champion Saints, the biggest enviromental disaster and the biggest natural disaster in the history of this nation. Proud to call it home!


                I'm so sorry that your cat died. I have two of my own, and would be heartbroken as well if something happened to them. But everyone here gave you good advice. Don't be so hard on yourself. You made a mistake (we all do), but it's certainly not the worst one the TT or your attorney have encountered. I had moments of panic over decisions I made during the bk process also, but everything turned out ok. It will turn out ok for you too. Focus on working through your grief now.


                  I'm so sorry for you baby I too know the feeling..See this sweet baby girl as my avatar? I lost her Sept with Cancer..It cost me all the money I had to find out what was wrong with her. Luckily I had some cash socked away for my attorney and rent..Well it all went to her and she is still gone...I wouldn't changed a do what you do for your babies. I understand. I hate credit cards so I don't have that problem..If I never see one again it'll be too soon..
                  It looks like alot of us on here have recently lost our fur babies,, so sad. I still cry all the time, even tho I got a a new boy last month. I know I should not of but I am so lonely....
                  You'll be certainly wasn't a luxury....
                  Take care take a hot bath and a glass of wine....


                    Originally posted by weRN2deep View Post
                    DMC and Ohio and all - I am sorry if I took it the wrong way. We have not even had a chance to save up for our life as "cash only" people. I haven't used a credit card since June of 2009. It feels great and now this goof. I did put the rest in the shredder. Thanks for the advice.
                    No problem. I try to answer questions here without the constraint of emotion. Clearly, your situation was very emotional and my response was not. I'm sorry you took my answer punitively.

                    I don't mean to come across as uncaring but this stuff is serious business. Once you file bankruptcy life changes. You won't be able to run to the vet and plop down a credit card. You have to start looking at alternatives or you will end up in the same place that got us here.

                    Best of luck to you and believe me, we are HUGE animal lovers here and have spent tons of money to save cats and dogs so I understand your emotions. We now have one old dog we have decided will not be visiting the vet for any ailments. When his time comes, we'll do what we can to comfort him but the vet won't be profiting from his demise.
                    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                      I am sorry about your furbaby. I have an 18 year old kitteh myself, and dread the day when I will have to make that decision. As a matter of fact, it is said that many are one emergency from elderly pug put me there. But she was not going without medical care so I can pay an account that, by my math, should have been long paid off. So here I am...

                      I think, if you let your atty know, that it will be okay. The cost was not astronomical, and it wasn't like you took out the cards and went on a Kenyan safari or bought some other luxury item.
                      First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                        Thanks everyone.

                        I am bringing the vet bill with me to the 341. It shows the euthenasia and the one blood test... Our attorney is sending someone else and I will hand it to him so he knows to put it in the file and be ready for any backlash.

                        Sorry for your loss ready to puke.
                        Stopped paying CCs 6/09
                        Filed 1/10
                        341 = 3/10
                        6/22/2010 DISCHARGE!!


                          It would be so much easier if the Vets would work with their clients. We have dogs. Back in 10/08 I came home from work let them all outside. Just as my boxer Jack stepped onto patio he slammed to ground and started having a Grand Mal Seizure. I've never seen anyone or anything have a seizure but I knew that's exactly what it was. We rushed him to our Vet. He had two more before we got there. We were broke so took out the Care Credit. Took him to ER vet wanted him there it was a Friday night, vet was on his way out, and they have much more state of the art equipment. Needless to say we were treated like complete and utter crap by the vet at the ER. Nothing was showing up nothing on xrays, blood work fine, no disease they could find. But the ER vet treated us like crap because he thought it was brain cancer and he wanted to have an MRI done at the cost of over 2k. When I explained to him how broke we are. He looked at me and said everyone is struggling right now in a very snide you don't care about your dog kinda way. Left him there overnight. Got him back next morning (Saturday). By Sunday night and around 1-3 Grand Mal Seizures every hour since we picked him up Saturday we drove him to ER to let him go (Got him one last burger on way) . It's always horrible to lose a pet. Sorry for your loss.


                            I am so sorry for your loss, and I understand the knee-jerk reaction to just find any way at all to pay for your pet's care when they are hurting, but I also agree with those that have said it's too easy to fall back into the trap that got us into this mess with relying on credit.

                            I had to put my beloved dog down way back in 1996 after 14 years -- I was lucky to have a vet who let me pay monthly on the $5K account I ran up first with diagnosis and then with treatment, and then finally the end.

                            I have a 14 year old cat who still seems to have nothing but kitty in her and is totally healthy, but honestly, one of the first things I thought about after filing my BK petition was that I need to sock away a bit of money each payday in ADVANCE of anything going wrong -- because eventually it will. There will always be a "rainy day" emergency. I'm just sorry this coincided with your filing and now it's just added to your stress.

                            Things will get better, and you're only human and doing the best you can. Please don't worry too much about repercussions.
                            Filed Chapter 7 pro se: 1/12/10 341 held: 2/16/10 Discharged and Closed: 4/20/10
                            Stopped Mortgage Pymts: 5/1/10 Moving to Rental: 7/2/10. Hoping Wells Fargo forecloses in 6 months tops


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