The law firm is now telling me to 'average' my expense. I have no idea what that means. If I average based on the last year, I will come up with a low number for several categories. What time frame do I look at for 'average' expenses? Last year? Going forward? Please don't tell me to ask the law firm.
I had planned to purchase health insurance TODAY (deadline is today) and thought I was going to be able to list that $200+ expense on Schedule J. But if I list an average instead, I don't know WHAT do do. I plan to file next month, and thought my Feb. expenses (the actual expenses) were what I would be listing. Please help!
I read HHM's stickie on expense, and that didn't really answer the question as to what timeframe you're looking at. Some say one thing, some say another.
I mean, if I listed a $200 per month expense, is a U.S. trustee going to say, where are your receipts for the past 12 months of a $200 medical expense? I really do not know how this works. It will definitely be to my advantage to be able to list the $200 as an expense.
Also, it doesn't make sense to take an average of expense, then not take an 'average' of income. I didn't collect unemployment for a LOT of months last year. Either I wasn't eligible or it wasn't available. I wonder if the law firm will tell me to take an 'average' of income. If they don't, but tell me to average expenses, that is going to create an inaccurate picture of income and expenses. Geez.
Does anyone have attorneys that advised them on this? What did they say? Thank you!
I had planned to purchase health insurance TODAY (deadline is today) and thought I was going to be able to list that $200+ expense on Schedule J. But if I list an average instead, I don't know WHAT do do. I plan to file next month, and thought my Feb. expenses (the actual expenses) were what I would be listing. Please help!
I read HHM's stickie on expense, and that didn't really answer the question as to what timeframe you're looking at. Some say one thing, some say another.
I mean, if I listed a $200 per month expense, is a U.S. trustee going to say, where are your receipts for the past 12 months of a $200 medical expense? I really do not know how this works. It will definitely be to my advantage to be able to list the $200 as an expense.
Also, it doesn't make sense to take an average of expense, then not take an 'average' of income. I didn't collect unemployment for a LOT of months last year. Either I wasn't eligible or it wasn't available. I wonder if the law firm will tell me to take an 'average' of income. If they don't, but tell me to average expenses, that is going to create an inaccurate picture of income and expenses. Geez.
Does anyone have attorneys that advised them on this? What did they say? Thank you!