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Means Test

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    Means Test

    Is disability insurance payments considered income for the means test?

    When we filed I was on temporary disability for maternity leave and they did use my income on the means test.
    4/09 Converted to a Ch 7 due to loss in dh's income
    5/09 UST now involved no idea what happens next
    7/09 UST has decided to withdraw his motion to dismiss!
    7/27/09 DISCHARGED!!!


      From what I can tell everything is considered income. I get military retirement, a salary and disability. I am WAY above the median, but fall into the disabled vet "exempt from the means test" category. Not sure if this means I qualify for a 7, because I don't see a point in a 13 when they can take most of your money which is why I stopped paying CCs (though those who filed a 13 may be able to enlighten me but that is another thread.)
      First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


        Originally posted by Clouddancer View Post
        Is disability insurance payments considered income for the means test?
        basic rule of thumb: if it's taxable- it's included.

        As far as i have seen- disability payments are income for the means test.
        Filed Pro Se: 10/16/2009
        341 Scheduled: 11/23/2009
        Last Day for Objections: 1/22/2010
        Discharged: 1/28/2010


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