Glad to have found this forum. Due to job loss I can no longer afford the cc's. I've talked to 2 bk lawyers ( finally retained one of them )and because of a bonus in one month I had gotten when I was working, I need to wait til April before I can file so the income will not show in the 6 month look back of pay. This month December I just now stopped paying on the cc's. Already getting calls, on the forum some say answer the calls others say don't, I haven't yet. I was afraid if I tell them I've retained a lawyer they might speed up the lawsuit process since I can't file til April. I was wondering ( I know this question comes up alot
) if I can make it til April without a lawsuit ? Collections I'm not sure about. Some of the cc's I have, I've seen mentioned on the forum as some of the worst for collections & lawsuits, yikes ! I live in small township ( rather not mentiion)
and everyone knows one anothers business. Really would not want it discussed at the local diner
so & so is in the hole. Thanx for all of your support

and everyone knows one anothers business. Really would not want it discussed at the local diner
