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Is no news considered good news on Pacer?
Berrymom35,RBsDebtFree,MiBankruptcy,ForTheBest,Mus ic12, AngelinaCat,MsBKlawyer
Originally posted by Michigan1951 View PostThank you for your support. And good luck to you on your case. I will be watching!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, ForTheBest!!
And, Merry Christmas to every forum reader here today.(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
:clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010
I still have no PACER action (with the exception of my house being abandoned by the Trustee). Perhaps Michigan Trustees acknowledge we've learned our financial lessons and wish to teach us patience?
Hang in there! It's almost over! I'm sure the hamsters are practicing for you!*Filed: September 23, 2009 *341: November 4, 2009 *Discharged: January 4, 2010 *Closed: January 20, 2010
Hakuna means NO WORRIES!
Got this from lawyer in an email today regarding my case
Originally posted by Michigan1951 View PostThank you! I am watching your case move along as well.........
It is now Dec. 15. I checked pacer today and there are no court filings objecting to your discharge nor has the US Trustee's filed a motion to dismiss under section 707 of the Bankruptcy Code. I will see Trustee at court tomorrow and inquire as to the status of your case from his perspective. I am not anticpating any problems! Once again, we have to be patient.
I tell ya the waiting makes your mind wonder all over the place though.
Once again, "no news is good news". Should have more to report back here in a day or two.(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
:clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010
I was wondering if these delays were because of Michigan or if it was because of my attorney took so long or did something I didn't catch. Hopefully you will hear something in the next week. I hated the waiting. that was also the worse for me. I filed in Nov08 and had to wait until Jan09 just for my 341. At least you had your 341.
That's true. And, yes, the last stretch of waiting after the 60 days is up is a killer.
I try to stay busy, but I also don't want to miss anything. How much snow do you have right now in your area of Michigan. We have close to 2 ft.(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
:clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010
January 6, 2010.......Update.
Well, talk about dragging on into the New Year. My lawyer didn't get back with me as to what the trustee's prospective on my case is. Lawyer said that he was waiting for the trustee's answer via email. That was on 12/18.
I know the courts in Michigan are bogged down for sure. I checked the Pacer reports on open/closed cases again today and the cases are 50/50 discharged out of about 35 cases per day all over Western District combined. So I guess I am definitely not alone here. I have called the clerk'f office twice in the past 4 months and they said my trustee has to show the 341 as held before they can update. I called the automated ph. number to the courts and it said my 341 was HELD on a particular date. Still no info. on Pacer.............
Just wanted to update on my case in the event that someone here is interested as to how discharges are moving or not in the Western District of Michigan.
The forum has been a good friend to me, and I respect all the experience and knowledge. I can't help others much like that but only offer my own experiences in a bk 7.
There were no issues from the trustee, US Trustee, or the creditors from filing to the 60th day. I am learning patience but feel quite a loner right now at the forum. If any Michigan filers know anything about what else might be holding up our discharges I am all ears. Thanks everyone!!(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
:clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010
Originally posted by Michigan1951 View PostWell, talk about dragging on into the New Year. My lawyer didn't get back with me as to what the trustee's prospective on my case is. Lawyer said that he was waiting for the trustee's answer via email. That was on 12/18.
I know the courts in Michigan are bogged down for sure. I checked the Pacer reports on open/closed cases again today and the cases are 50/50 discharged out of about 35 cases per day all over Western District combined. So I guess I am definitely not alone here. I have called the clerk'f office twice in the past 4 months and they said my trustee has to show the 341 as held before they can update. I called the automated ph. number to the courts and it said my 341 was HELD on a particular date. Still no info. on Pacer.............
Just wanted to update on my case in the event that someone here is interested as to how discharges are moving or not in the Western District of Michigan.
The forum has been a good friend to me, and I respect all the experience and knowledge. I can't help others much like that but only offer my own experiences in a bk 7.
There were no issues from the trustee, US Trustee, or the creditors from filing to the 60th day. I am learning patience but feel quite a loner right now at the forum. If any Michigan filers know anything about what else might be holding up our discharges I am all ears. Thanks everyone!!
BTW.. You will get your chance to contribute after your case closes. You will get the chance to tell someone else to be patient.
Thanks, Mi Bankruptcy and Kansas1960 for your input. Glad to know this sounds fairly similar to other cases. I will continue to be patient.(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
:clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010
Too MiBankruptcy's advice.....rattled some cages.
I fired an email to my lawyer and questioned the stall on my case?
Will get a response possibly tonight, or else he will dodge it for a week like he did before.
Next I called the courts and they said the trustee has to file his no distribution report and show the 341 was HELD. It was HELD by the way.
They suggested that I call directly to the bk trustee's office and at least speak to the office bk staff. I did call and was so glad to get a nice
lady to help me out here.
1) she looked at my case and said sometimes a case gets lost in the shuffle
2) my case has no issues at all. The reaff with the mortgage was satisfied
on the 341 HELD already.
3) said that it is possibly an oversight for sure from the Trustee.
4) Trustee is not in today, therefore, she said to call her back on Tuesday
as right now she will send him an email to UPDATE and post the no distribution form to discharge and close this case.
5) She said there is a very rare and slight chance that he might have an issue he is looking at, but the timeframes are all past.
6) She said that the courts should not be holding the discharge notification
since there is no posted issues, from trustee, UST, and creditors since the filing of 09.02.
Now I will wait for the response from the lawyer but not tell him I went over his head to the trustee's office today. He just might call them too!! You would think that IF there was any issues my lawyer would know by now, and there would be forms showing on Pacer. There are no issues per the trustee's office looking at my case today over the phone.
Anyone want to make a flying guess as to the reasoning to the above?
The lady said that it happens sometimes to have a case just lag out there for no reason at all.
Have a good weekend, everyone.(first 341 10/14/09, cont'd 341 10/23/09) (12/14/09 last day to object) (341 Shows HELD w/tt report of no distribution 1/9/2010)
:clapping Discharged 1/25/2010 Case Closed 3/11/2010
Good for you!! You've exercised great patience. If you were "lost in the shuffle" it's time to bring you out so you can perform your discharge dance!!*Filed: September 23, 2009 *341: November 4, 2009 *Discharged: January 4, 2010 *Closed: January 20, 2010
Hakuna means NO WORRIES!
i think you'll get your report of no distribution on monday if not today, and on tuesday you won't need to call the trsutee's office because you'll already see it on pacer, so you'll call the court and ask to be discharged, and by the end of the day hamsters will be dancing!filed ch7 May 09
341 june 09
discharged, closed Aug 09
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