The short story is...
Earn 148k annually
Owe- Unsecured $115 another 45k on three car loans
Home- recently appraised 120k underwater... awaiting loan mod (praying)
Two Kids- one severely physically handicapped and the other is a type 1 diabetic. (much debt is related to care and over indulgence- but thats another thread)
In california, really nothing of significance to show for debt...
I want to do this Pro Per... thoughts..
Oh and thank you for any insight.
Earn 148k annually
Owe- Unsecured $115 another 45k on three car loans
Home- recently appraised 120k underwater... awaiting loan mod (praying)
Two Kids- one severely physically handicapped and the other is a type 1 diabetic. (much debt is related to care and over indulgence- but thats another thread)
In california, really nothing of significance to show for debt...
I want to do this Pro Per... thoughts..
Oh and thank you for any insight.