Has now passed the 60 day club and discharged, can a person who had claimed that a house I surrendered back to the bank was part of a constructive trust?
We own a 2nd home and a relative has been claiming an interest in this home via a constructive trust. This constructive trust was never consumated by a court or legitimate instrument, and it has been an ongoing civil matter for years.
During our BK we listed this home and plan on surrendering back to the bank, and this relative was noticed about this and was aware of the above. He failed to file any AP during my 60 day period and his attorney was involved and has had discussions with the Trustee, but apparently the Trustee proceeded with our case. We do not know as to what extent those talks were about.
It was discharged on Monday without this person filing a AP on the issue, so my question is this:
Can this person now file and be sucessful in a California Civil Court claiming that we now owe him sums for his interest (assuming he has one) in the home that was surrendered considering he had a chance to object to our filing and including this disputed property and did not?
Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated. We need to gear up for his continued harassment of us.
We own a 2nd home and a relative has been claiming an interest in this home via a constructive trust. This constructive trust was never consumated by a court or legitimate instrument, and it has been an ongoing civil matter for years.
During our BK we listed this home and plan on surrendering back to the bank, and this relative was noticed about this and was aware of the above. He failed to file any AP during my 60 day period and his attorney was involved and has had discussions with the Trustee, but apparently the Trustee proceeded with our case. We do not know as to what extent those talks were about.
It was discharged on Monday without this person filing a AP on the issue, so my question is this:
Can this person now file and be sucessful in a California Civil Court claiming that we now owe him sums for his interest (assuming he has one) in the home that was surrendered considering he had a chance to object to our filing and including this disputed property and did not?
Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated. We need to gear up for his continued harassment of us.
