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341 Tomorrow!!!!!

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    341 Tomorrow!!!!!

    AHHHH! My 341 meeting is tomorrow! My attorney said all I need is my DL and Social Security card. I'll be dressing in a dress shirt, no tie and meeting him there a half hour early. :P Wish me luck and I'll let you all know how it goes! :P (fingers crossed)

    Good luck! You'll do great!
    Filed Chapter 7: 7/3/09
    341 Hearing: 8/6/09 - Went Smoothly!
    Discharged: 11/30/2009
    Closed: 12/16/2009


      My 341 is tommorow, too. My attorney said to bring SS card, ID, my most recent paystub and all bank statements covering the date of filing. I am dressing casual, too.Just comfy black pants and a sweater. I am nervous, but at this point I figure what will be will be... I hope this goes well for both of us! Good luck!
      Filed: 9/9/2009
      341: 10/13, went well!
      Discharged 12/17/2009


        Originally posted by tnsltwn View Post
        AHHHH! My 341 meeting is tomorrow! My attorney said all I need is my DL and Social Security card. I'll be dressing in a dress shirt, no tie and meeting him there a half hour early. :P Wish me luck and I'll let you all know how it goes! :P (fingers crossed)
        LOL! Please include pants with the outfit...... the visual imagery that comes to mind is interesting.......

        You will do fine.
        "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

        "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


          Go a little early!

          It will go easy peasy but go a little early to help your self relax. I walked 1 block past the building where mine was held at, so worried about nothing. Felt like everyone on the street knew where I was headed (what an idiot). Good luck!


            Originally posted by AngelinaCat View Post
            LOL! Please include pants with the outfit...... the visual imagery that comes to mind is interesting.......

            You will do fine.

            Anyway, good luck


              Good luck! It will go real smooth ;)
              7-2-2009 Filed
              8-28-09 341 Concluded, no assets
              10-28-09 DISCHARGED/CLOSED!!!!


                tnsltwn & leena--smooth sailing through both or your 341 hearings (:
                Filed Chapter 7 August 18,2009
                341 scheduled for Oct 7, 2009--DONE!
                Report of No Distribution Oct 8, 2009
                Discharged & Closed Dec. 14, 2009


                  remeber to read the things on the walls (signs telling where to go and waht to do) Good Luck


                    remeber to read the things on the walls (signs telling where to go and what to do) Good Luck


                      You'll do fine...sending good vibes with you to your 341

                      Let us know how it goes
                      May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
                      May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
                      May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
                      9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


                        I had to laugh at ILnoiFiller's comment about feeling everyone knew where he/she was headed. We were told to carry the file folder our attorney gave us to identify us to the substitute attorney we were meeting there. The front of the folder had "**** Bankruptcy Law Firm" in bold letters and the back had a flow chart of the Bankruptcy process. No way to hide where WE were going. Added a little humor to an otherwise stressful situation. You'll do fine. Just keep looking ahead and invisioning walking OUT of the building!
                        Filed Non-Consumer Chapter 7: 07/31/2009
                        341 Hearing: 09/03/2009
                        Last Day for Creditor's Objections: 11/02/2009
                        Discharged! 11/03/2009 CLOSED! 01/05/2010


                          Good luck. Let us know how everything turned out.
                          All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                          Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


                            Had the 341 today, went very smoothly! No issues whatsoever, very brief mostly yes-no type questions and a thing about a creditor I paid 990 to in the past 90 days (they are out of luck, the trustee is going after that money and without naming names, those people richly deserve it, long story!).

                            The day started a little rough because the US courthouse here had a bomb threat at 2:00 PM and my case was scheduled for 3:00 PM, but that was quickly resolved and we all got in the building fine (I was already there waiting!).

                            Sooooo relived it is done!! No PACER for me thanks. The attorney said expect my discharge in 75 days or so (courts are a little backed up here).


                            Hope yours went smoothly too, tnsl!
                            Filed: 9/9/2009
                            341: 10/13, went well!
                            Discharged 12/17/2009


                              Absolutely! Mine was smooth as pudding! What a relief! I'll be posting a thread on the procedure for people who haven't been yet. Thanks so so so much everyone for the support!


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