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To anyone who worries

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    To anyone who worries

    This is my first post on this forum "long time reader first time poster". If you are thinking chpt 7 but are scared or what ever.. DO IT! I live in Northern IL. and had been living life using credit cards and always wondering where it would end.
    Last fall my place of employment got slow and we where only working 32 hrs a week, uh oh use more cc"s to get by finally hit wall in March 09. Got a great lawyer in Rockford who told me he could get me out of this, SURE I said and you can walk on water. Ive used cards for every thing and thought I would be a 13 because work was better he said nope I said I was in Florida in Sept. 08 and used cards for a good ol time that would be abuse? He said dont worry about it. Stopped paying creditors payed him 100 down and started to worry I would be "the one". He said "STOP WORRYING" more people are in this boat than you realize, people you know. He was right had to call my ex to let her know(she was on a crd I was BKing) was worried she would flip was going to explain I would reaffirm it so she wouldnt get stuck. Made the call, her reaction was support and she wouldnt tell if I didnt tell because her and new hubby had JUST FILED! He was right. Filled chpt7 6-26-09: 341 8-5-09: $56K debt: reaffirmed car: discharged 10-6-09: closed 10-9-09: BEST feeling in the world. My whole point to this? I didnt know how bad this was effecting me until it was over I sleep through the night and feel so much better friends say you are so happy these days whats up? I just smile and say nothing I just come to enjoy my life(wasted years with those dam cards) Just do it! LIFE IS TO SHORT TO LIVE LIKE THAT! EVERY ONE GETS AND DESERVE A 2ND CHANCE. Read this forum its a great place to come and help you along the way. Thanks to every one who is on this Because I really leaned on it along the way!

    That was an excellent first post and testimonial. Thank you for letting everyone know that filing BK is NOT the worst of times. Thanks for your support.

    Now that you have spoken up, please stay around and offer your perspective and insights into the BK process.
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Glade to help

      Thank you I plan on being around to help anyone I can! Just to give back for what I got from this forum


        Awesome Post!! I am currently converting my 13 into a 7! When I called the main office of my lawyer to ask a question, they congratulated me for converting! I was amazed that I was actually applauded for being able to file Chap 7!! I am going to surrender my over-sized home because I am owned by it and I am going to find a much much smaller place like an apartment or townhome. I have been reading books to change my perspective of what life is all about. I am currently reading "The purpose driven life" by Rick Warren which is really changing my views on what is important in life,,,certainly not things that require us to plunge into the firery pit of Debt!!!!


          Thank you, I will worry less

          Thanks for the encouragement, I wll not worry too much as I don't have too much left to take. I have a small free and clear house woth about 90,000and a couple older model cars, and 73K in credit card debt from business marketing . Still can't help feeling low and like a looser though sometimes.


            [QUOTE= Still can't help feeling low and like a looser though sometimes.[/QUOTE]

            I know the feeling, but I am starting to realize that losing material items and starting over might prove to be a refreshing experience. I have over complicated my life by buying too big of a house (takes forever to clean and maintain) and by obtaining never ending material items that are not needed, yet you have to take care of each item you own. Owning less can actually be more! Keep your chin up!


              Originally posted by Gracious View Post
              Thanks for the encouragement, I wll not worry too much as I don't have too much left to take. I have a small free and clear house woth about 90,000and a couple older model cars, and 73K in credit card debt from business marketing . Still can't help feeling low and like a looser though sometimes.
              "Gracious" and everybody: This man is right. We too felt the pain of embarrassment, but we had no choice. Our credit score 820, blown. Ten years ago we were worth 10 mil in land, and rich 401K. Bad enemy assault; suits, lawyers, loss of job (due to enemy) three jobs that is, and then the big C came with COBRA running out.

              We thought that this was the end of the World for us. NO, not at all. Just a new beginning. Total mind reset in priorities. "Do we need it, or, do we want it?" This major decision never needed to be made before. If we wanted it, we purchased it.

              We were very ignorant of this BK procedure and only in the last part of the bk did we find this forum. This has made big difference and when I see those who do not have it as bad as we did, complain, I sympathize with them as it is just as bad in their eyes.

              A very good book to read to sort out realities, is "My Cat Saved My Life" by Phillip Schreibman. Please do not misunderstand the title as it is not what you think, and is not a cursory read. If you will start at the beginning with an open mind and follow Phillip's journey to life, I think you will understand the message.

              "My Cat Saved My Life" by Phillip Schreibman ISBN 1-58724-030-0
              If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                Your not a loser always remember that!

                Right after I filed I felt that. It doesn't stay after you take trip down memory lane & realize you didn't do anything with intent to harm anyone or mislead them but merely live your life. Like everyone that is here you fell into the pitfalls of cc's making your life easy at first and then it sneaks up. There is a light DON'T WORRY. I cant tell you how good the word DISCHARGED looks but you will know!


                  BK is not something that any of us planned or wanted to do. When first considering it, I too felt the shame of it.

                  But.... after looking, studying, planning for some time, it's now a business decision for me and my family.

                  Embarrassed? Not hardly. Look around in the world. AIG, GM, Simmons, Circuit City, and more because the list goes on. Many of those brilliant CEO's have filed, along with people like the Donald Trump.

                  Nothing more than a business decision.
                  All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
                  Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


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