Have a consult with a Chapter 11 Atty today. Sigh. I have to tell the Trustee within 10 days of last Wed if I am converting or dismissing. I am thinking we are converting, unless this atty has other thoughts.
I have a question - wonder if anyone here knows - we are going to be leaving our house soon. Right now the mortgage is 3K, our new rent will be 2K. Is it the same in an 11 as far as deductions you can take (when you are filling out the means test for a 7 and your schedules), that if you are a renter you can only deduct so much for rent, but for a mortgage you can take the full amount? Or because there is no means test anymore, can I take the take the full 2K for my rental?
What I am asking is basically, are they gonna only let me take the CA Standard Rental Deduction, or can do I use my full 2K rent when determining what my Ch 11 payment will be after expenses.
I guess I will find out later today at my consult. LOL
This sucks.
