I posted on here once before with a ? regarding my vehicle if I decided to file bk. Hubby and I live in Germany but our home of record is Co. He is stationed in afghanistan and I am back and forth from Co. to Germany. We filed a 13 once before and because we pcs'd to Germany with the lack of communication from our attorney to the courts our case was dismissed becase we missed the 341 meeting being as we were across the world. I then decided to file pro se this year on 11-2-05 just barely got it in before the deadline. I will be honest I have NO CLUE what I am doing and about schedules and exemptions ect..... Our case was accepted and we have a court date of dec 14th. Hubby will still be in Afghanistan and they said I still have to appear and then when he returns to the states he will appear. Until he appears the case will NOT be dismissed, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
My question is about our truck amongst other things. Since we are "techincally" living in Germany all of our household goods including our truck are also in Germany. We have a large family hubby myself and 4 kids. Our truck is a 98 expedition with 150000 miles on it. We just took out an amy loan for 7000 to fix the transmission and now the heating coil is broken....... I really want to get rid of this truck but am afraid we wont be able to get another vehicle like it which we dearly need because of the size of our family. Will they come to Germany to get the truck or wait until we are returned via the army to the states? Also....... everyone keeps talking about a pacer? Is there anyway for me to look up the pacer online to see if we are on it? I originally had a 341 date of nov 14 and called the trustee explained that we were in Germany and that I would not be able to make it back that soon for the hearing therefore they extended it for me and said they would mail the correct papers for me to sign for that and the fact that hubby is overseas I would haveto sign some papers for that also. I know its going to be difficult with him being away but I HAD to get it in before the deadline and could fine NO atty that would take the case with us being overseas. I had no choice but to file pro se or face the new laws. What do I need to bring to court with me? We have NO property or anything thats worth a dime and I dont know what they could possible want to see or take from us. We were told by the original atty that filing bk would improve our credit. I originally wanted to file a 7 but the atty said because (at that time) he was in Iraq that it would be better if we filed the 13 until he returned home and then convert to a 7 well not only did we not convert he got the damn thing dismissed....... Any advice or help or anything would be greatly appreciated as I have NO CLUE what I am up against in all of this. My sis n law also filed in Co pro se and said it was a breeze two minutes and she was done but she is single and hers was pretty cut and dry. Btw 2 months after she filed she went and got a brand new toyota (little one) from the toyota dealer for 13%.
