I will be receiving money from a student loan refund and will have about $700 left on file day after paying my lawyer. I plan on stocking up on groceries and hitting Sam's club and spending about $300 on meat etc. since we are really low on groceries. So I will have about $400 left in the account.
Should I go and take it down to $50 by withdrawing cash, is withdrawing $350cash a red flag, what should I say it went for? The other option is I can pay up a couple months of school lunches for my daughter and pay my utilities ahead of time. Any advice on what I should have in my account? Thanks.
Should I go and take it down to $50 by withdrawing cash, is withdrawing $350cash a red flag, what should I say it went for? The other option is I can pay up a couple months of school lunches for my daughter and pay my utilities ahead of time. Any advice on what I should have in my account? Thanks.
