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    Originally posted by pookieny View Post
    My co-worker friend filed chapt 13 and she had to state that she would not accrue any new debt during it. I think I even read that in Bankruptcy for Dummies that you cannot get new credit or loans while in a chapt 13.

    Am I wrong?
    You cannot without trustee approval. Like if your car gets totalled you meet the trustee and ask permission and explain your case. It isn't all that hard if you have a very good reason.


      Originally posted by debtmonster View Post
      How new does the Kia have to be?

      They are reliable mechanically as far as getting you from A to B. It's what they look like after a few years.

      The Nissan would be a better deal. You can get used Sentra's all day for cheap now. The ones after 2006 look really nice since they changed the body style.

      Our family has 2 St. Bernards. The male is 190 lbs. If we had to, it would be no big deal putting that dog in the back seat of a Sentra, just as it would an SUV or mini-van. It's just nicer to have the SUV, but like what was said, "It's a want, not a need."

      I just have to worry if my cars get taken within 6 weeks of me filing. If they do, I won't be able to finance a new car. Some of the car dealers I talked to said that the cars I have in my possession need to be discharged before I can finance a new one. If they took the cars a few weeks before discharge, I would be without a car for a long time. The Winn Dixie is a good hike away.

      I'll have to talk my wife into use getting a scooter. That way I won't have to pay car payments or insurance. Just gas and tires.
      2006 and newer Kias are great. The ones older than that are considered "cheap Korean junk". Not very good for long term.

      I don't know if this is a state thing but we have to get insurance on scooters by law. It is dirt cheap though (I got a quote for $40 bucks per 6 months for max liability and medical benefits) but I would not go without it. You need your insurance company's lawyers to be able to go after anyone who hits you.

      I am about to buy a used car for about $4000 and I considered getting a scooter for myself since I work in town (and he's going to college 50 miles away). He vetoed that very quickly. I live in Baton Rouge and we have very aggressive (and bad) drivers.


        For $1,000 more you can get a brand new Yamaha Majesty 400. I was looking at getting one. Very comfortable to drive. I checked all the brands. The Majesty was the nicest of them all. If not that, then the more expensive Suzuki Burgman 400 or 650.

        But in 2005, weren't they saying that about the the 2001 Kia's?

        I had a 2003 Kia. I got rid of it after around 23,000 miles. My sister has the same one. It left her stranded the other day. She spent around $2,000 in putting new timing belts, water pump, coolant, flush, etc. The water pumps for those things are expensive.


          No, my husband is dead against me having a scooter. We are going to buy a safe car for $4000. Everything else has to go into the lawyer fund. I don't want to part with what's left of my emergency fund until we file.


            I don't know who "they" is. The Kia info in from my father, uncles, and cousins. They all have their own automotive repair shops and know which cars are crap and which cars are great. I'm like the chick from "My Cousin Vinny".


              Originally posted by debtmonster View Post
              I never said I was rich. Not everyone in MLM is rich. You only have the potential to be. I know a lot of people working W-2 who are lucky to make $8 to $12/hr. I'd rather stick with my MLM making over $50k/yr. from home.
              On the flip side, I know plenty of people working w-2 making $200k/year. It's the career, field, education, and job level that determines your salary, not whether it's 1099 or w-2. Although, I can't say I know any MLM people making that kind of money, unless they bust their ass putting in a gazillion hours and annoying all their friends and acquaintances.

              You don't even have health insurance. You could have an accident on your bowflex a week after your bankruptcy is discharged and end up right back where you started, with a ton of medical bills and no money to pay them. And that $50k/year isn't guaranteed. You've said here many times that your salary has decreased substantially in the past year. You are relying on others below you in the scam, and eventually they will all leave and the well will run dry.


                Originally posted by hereforinfo View Post
                You've said here many times that your salary has decreased substantially in the past year. You are relying on others below you in the scam, and eventually they will all leave and the well will run dry.
                I take offense at you calling my income a scam. NOTHING is a scam in what I deal with. EVERYONE gets the best products available. You don't see me making fun of the way you earn an income. Stop disrespecting me. That's rude.


                  Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.


                    Originally posted by hereforinfo View Post
                    Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.
                    No mi jodas.


                      My son (has a Physics Degree) and his wife were in a MLM for about 3 months. They found out real quick like that you put more money in than you receive in Income. They worked their hinnies off.

                      I was so glad when they pulled out of it. My son, Mom, please don't say I told ya so LOL! And I wasn't going to say that. Got to let them learn the hard way. This was a Large MLM.

                      Now, my son owns his own construction business and is doing Fantastic. Gee ole Mom here had to wait 3 months to get him out to do some repairs LOL! He stays super busy.

                      My DIL owns her business. She makes hairpieces for women who lost their hair because of chemo and has about as many men as she does women. Her dad was in a motorcycle accident about 20 yrs. ago & part of his hair didn't grow back. He went to the same guy for years and this guy was ready to retire. They struck up a deal & DIL paid him for the equipment & the rights of the name in monthly payment for 2 years. She's hired 4 extra people to help her and has moved into a higher rent commercial location.

                      Both work real hard, but DIL makes sure my grandkids are well cared for.


                        Lucilus, your son and DIL are successful business owners because they work hard. I'm glad they got out of the MLM. Many of those companies seem like cults in a way.

                        Anyone who thinks they can get rich quick by doing nothing is going to be disappointed. And broke!


                          Originally posted by hereforinfo View Post
                          Lucilus, your son and DIL are successful business owners because they work hard. I'm glad they got out of the MLM. Many of those companies seem like cults in a way.

                          Anyone who thinks they can get rich quick by doing nothing is going to be disappointed. And broke!
                          You Got That Right hereforinfo!


                            All MLM's take time. I could have easily quit 3 months into the game as well. It was very, very frustrating in the beginning (as if college was a walk in the park.) Do you put money into a 401k and then take it out 3 months later? NO! It's no different than an MLM. You have to invest time and money and let it grow. People don't just magically sign up. There's a very long delay between signups.

                            I also don't go approaching people to sign up. I use advertising to bring in leads. If you don't have leads coming to you on an automatic basis, I don't even think I'd have any success with that MLM.

                            Look at how when one goes to college. You don't just invest 3 months and say, "Where's my money?!" You need to invest at least 2 to 10 years worth and HOPE that you make money. There's no guarantees that you will. It all depends on you. I have met many people who invested YEARS of time getting Bachelor Degrees and are working at retail stores or waiting tables because they still can't find a job.

                            When people sign up with me, I help them get their own stream of leads. I have people who have been with me since the beginning and are now making thousands per month.

                            A couple years ago I used to piss and moan to my upline asking him why I'm not rich. He told me that I should be thankful at the money I am making. He asked me if I had any idea how much capital I would need in the bank to be earning the kind of money I am making now, month after month. You people tell me. How much money do you need sitting in an account some place to withdrawal $3,000 to $5,000 per month? If I had a $50k day job, plus this money, I'd be sitting pretty right now!

                            Whatever. Do what you want. You rarely ever hear any success stories about MLM's. Finally I am a person actually making money with one and instead of congratulating me, all you do is sit here with your negative posts. Gee, thanks a lot... for nothing.

                            Your friend,

                            Mr. Glass is Half Full


                              What the hell is an MLM??
                              BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
                              Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                                Originally posted by Amy26 View Post
                                What the hell is an MLM??
                                Multi-level marketing. Amway, Herbalife, Mary Kay, etc, etc...


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