Monday I am going in and signing my petition....
I have so much to change on the petition....
On my PreBankruptcy Class online I told them I had no job, but still put my expenses, though I don't have a job...In all honesty I didn't know what to put cause when I filled out all my paperwork I still had a job...So I thought I'd put my expenses down...Food, Rent to my aunt, things like that....
And I changed banks since filling out the paper work....
I hope it goes smooth, and they told me I can wait to file so I don't have to bother with a continuence if they schedule the 341 meeting during the week I'm gone for my brothers wedding....
I don't know if I should be worried about creditors objecting...
It's a no asset case and I have no job so they can't really get nothing out of me anyway...
The only thing I'm worried about if Fifth Third Bank since I banked with them since 2004 they know my banking habits and spending habits...
I have so much to change on the petition....
On my PreBankruptcy Class online I told them I had no job, but still put my expenses, though I don't have a job...In all honesty I didn't know what to put cause when I filled out all my paperwork I still had a job...So I thought I'd put my expenses down...Food, Rent to my aunt, things like that....
And I changed banks since filling out the paper work....
I hope it goes smooth, and they told me I can wait to file so I don't have to bother with a continuence if they schedule the 341 meeting during the week I'm gone for my brothers wedding....
I don't know if I should be worried about creditors objecting...
It's a no asset case and I have no job so they can't really get nothing out of me anyway...
The only thing I'm worried about if Fifth Third Bank since I banked with them since 2004 they know my banking habits and spending habits...