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approval by judge?

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    approval by judge?

    Does the Judge have to approve a 722 redemption loan?

    I am not reaffirming, although I would like to keep
    my car is way upside down(not by my doing but that is another post) that is the only way i will keep it

    The laws have changed since 2005 regarding the approval of 722 redemption loans and "reaffirming". In some states they require the judges approval, and in some states they leave reaffirming as is as long as you make your payments. The law changed to make sure that the consumer realizes that they are responsible for the debt AFTER bankruptcy if they reaffirm. Now most companies require signatures on documents.
    On the 722 redemption, the judge usually signs off on those also.
    All papers must be signed before discharge.

    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


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