Knowledge IS power, but sometimes you know just enough to be dangerous. I checked Pacer (again) b/c the 1st time I checked, it said 'awaiting 1st meeting' despite the fact that I've ALREADY had my 341 meeting. I completed my 2nd debtor ed class~ you know, the one you do AFTER you file. Anyway, the debt ed flag had been removed on 6/3/09 but today my status STILL says 'awaiting 1st meeting'!
I have already had my 341 meeting! I'm more than halfway through my 60 days. SOOOOO, the email addy of the trustee was on the document and I emailed her. I feel like a stalker.
Oh well
I have already had my 341 meeting! I'm more than halfway through my 60 days. SOOOOO, the email addy of the trustee was on the document and I emailed her. I feel like a stalker.

Oh well
