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    I feel like i can kinda start to breath! We filed Ch 7 on 5-7-09, and our Trustee meeting is for 6-11-09.................funny thing happened today, our citibank payment was usually 169.00 per month, and was due on 4-28-09 (that was our first missed payment with them, and all of a sudden they sent a new statement for a 1006.00 MINIMUM payment, boy are they funny! Hopefully this will be the last time i ever have to hear from them...I dont know how they calculated that minimum....but whatever.

    Ok, so, you cant afford a $169 payment, but in their minds you are going to pay $1000. Yah, good luck with that. LOL.


      WOW, holy cow! I never had any of the creditors come up wiht somehting like that.

      Our 341 is May 11th. I can't wait til May 12th. LOL Of course depending what happenms I may wish it was May 10th again.
      The time went by fast. We filed in march and I thought this day we never come. The best Mothers Day present will be an easy 341
      FILED CH7: 03/20/09
      341: May 11th, 2009
      DISCHARGED: July 13th, 2009


        Unbelievable.... I'm starting to realize the cc companies are ruthless. They are the reason most of us are in this mess. Yes, I know I hold the majority of the responsibility but still. My last straw was when I went over my credit limit by $6.00 back in December (the first time ever...never been late on a payment either). My interest rate went from 9.99 to 29.99. They wouldn't budget on the rate, either, when I called them. They haven't gotten a dime from me since.


          My credit cards cut my available balances (citibank - not due to anything I had done) then of course when you pay the minimum as I was, you are then over the limit, getting hit with all sorts of fees and your interest skyrockets. Also had a problem with B/A not getting payments I had made, etc. and again, getting 30% interest.
          That's when I realized I was fighting a losing battle and decided upon bankruptcy.
          I had never even contemplated it prior to this. I know I shoulder some blame, but I feel they forced me into this.


            The year 2000 I had a balance of 7000 with Cap ONe , I had paid off a few times last time they immediatly sent me a Blank ck zero interest. So I guess they did not want paid off. So I trnsferred bal and paid off another card. I tried debt consolidation waste of time, 2 yrs of 800 month, all cards closed. paying 45.00 to debt company. Anyway paid This credit card for almost 6 yrs now getting nowhere. Anyway I filed Jan 2009 I stopped paying in June 2006 I believe and when I had my attorney ck credit report, it was up to 15,000. Unbeieveable. I paid them 200 x 6 yrs and I still owe them 15000 for a 7000 debt. I dont feel sorry for them anymore.
            chpt 7 ,5-2009


              I hope you will keep a post of how everything goes for you. The reason I am saying that is because our situations seem very similar. We have missed our first 2 payment just in the last 2 weeks. We are probably going to file in July. We have used a few cards for gas/groceries in the past couple of weeks but added up it's less than $150 a card. I'm just wondering if that will matter. Good luck with everything.


                Thanks everyone......also, i was going to say that on the statement where they usually break everything down by finance chrgs, and purchases and such...nothing is broken down-----it only shows a finance charge of 294.00, so its really goofy! I will try to keep you all posted as things come up, trustee meeting is 29 days away (yep...counting down the days)


                  Citi did the same thing to me. I was paying around $210/month and I missed a payment and then it went to $900/month. I called them to say that there was no way I could make this payment and they basically told me there was nothing they could do for me. At that point, I knew I would eventually have to file bankrupt.


                    Honestly, I think if these companies were more flexible, there would be fewer bankruptcys.


                      341 - scared

                      filed April 29, 341 scheduled 6/15. I'll be glad when it's over!


                        jojo...i agree....before i finally said ok to filing, i tried calling all 21 credit cards to work something out with them, and they didnt want to do anything, i think they like when people file for bk, so they can write it off at the end of the year (or something!)


                          In my experience Citibank was the WORST of them all.


                            Originally posted by tkharvey View Post
                            Unbelievable.... I'm starting to realize the cc companies are ruthless. They are the reason most of us are in this mess. Yes, I know I hold the majority of the responsibility but still. My last straw was when I went over my credit limit by $6.00 back in December (the first time ever...never been late on a payment either). My interest rate went from 9.99 to 29.99. They wouldn't budget on the rate, either, when I called them. They haven't gotten a dime from me since.
                            You know I see that sentiment a lot on the board and I totally 'get' why everyone (myself included) feel that way, mainly because we were taught growing up that we should be responsible. But you know what else? I'm done blaming me for this. Did I make some bad choices that got me in this mess, you betcha! Did Bank of America make some really bad choices too? yep again! So why is it I am having to go beg my case in front of the government just to get my debt erased and yet the government is handing out BILLIONS of dollars to Bank of America? I miss a payment and my rate goes to 29.9% yet Bank of America or Chase has financial problems and their CEO's walk away with million dollar bonuses???

                            Like I said, I am done blaming me. I will use this as a learning experience to not get in this mess again (something I doubt the banks are going to do) but I refuse to beat myself up over it anymore! I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!

                            Ok, rant over, sorry for hijacking the thread
                            Filed 5/12/09
                            341 6/11/09
                            discharged 8/11/09
                            Closed 8/14/09


                              Originally posted by SocalBroke View Post
                              You know I see that sentiment a lot on the board and I totally 'get' why everyone (myself included) feel that way, mainly because we were taught growing up that we should be responsible.
                              Been there, done this.

                              When we quit paying, 2 and a half years ago, I added up total purchases and total amount paid.

                              We had paid something like 180k interest on purchases of 60k or so, if memory serves. Whatever accounting method allows for this sort of debacle is the equivalent of raping and pillaging our homes. And I do not speak lightly of rape, I truly feel that strong. It should be illegal.

                              Over the same period, I have had a mortgage for 400k. I have paid nearly 600k in interest.

                              Yes, I WAS stupid, no question, but even stupid people should have some protection, I think!
                              11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
                              12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?


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