Whew, what a day. Our 341 is Monday and we are so ready for this to be over with
. We filed out statement of intention for our vehicle last week by the deadline and have kept in contact with our lender GMAC about whether we would re-affirm or redeem. As I am getting our little girl ready for school, I look out the door to see our truck on the flatbed being winched up. In thirty degree weather (and rain) I run out barefoot to stop the guy. He claims that he has his orders from GMAC to pick it up. I explained to him that we were in C7 BK and there is a stay in effect, yet he keeps winching it up saying if that's the case I can pick it up after it's straightened out (after paying them like $100 a day). I called the NYS police who come out and insist that he is still in every right to take the vehicle and tell me to "let it go". So I called GMAC and after thirty minutes finally got someone who handled my account to take care of the mess and let him go on his way. Thank god! I had to assure my little girl that the guy thought he was buying the truck and the police had to let him know that he had the wrong house because she is too young to understand what's going on.
Were the police right? I thought that with proof of the C7 BK they had to tell him to take a hike? They say no, it's civil. I am confused, and relieved. Thanks.

Were the police right? I thought that with proof of the C7 BK they had to tell him to take a hike? They say no, it's civil. I am confused, and relieved. Thanks.