Hi, Is there a difference between a straight balance transfer between credit cards, or one that goes directly into your account that you use to pay off the cards yourself?? They still show up on the credit card as "balance transfer." If you can show a paper trail, i.e. payments directly to a credit card, rather than for a shopping spree for example, does it make a difference in avoiding a potential objection from a creditor?
I could sure use some clarification here... I am understanding the 6 month rule, and also have always made payments and will continue to do so before filing... but we're talking large transfers--$30K, $24K, $16... ?
Thanks for your input.
I could sure use some clarification here... I am understanding the 6 month rule, and also have always made payments and will continue to do so before filing... but we're talking large transfers--$30K, $24K, $16... ?
Thanks for your input.