Its been a while since i was on this board but am at a point where i am getting ready to file (October). I have a few issues that i need to get some kind of clarification on. I have debt thats about $135,000 now with all the late payments etc., i am also well above the med. income for Virginia. I will be the only one filing as all the debt except for mortgage is only under my name.
I make $96,000 and my wife makes $42,000 a year, we have two young children 5.5 and 3.5 years old. I had been trying to do a loan modifcation for the past six months and have been able to cut my mortgage down from $4,500 to $3,600 a month, this includes taxes and insurance. I am hoping loan modifcation will not get void when i file.
The question i have is that i have my ageing parents (almost 80) living with me and we take care of there needs the best we can. My dad does get social security of about $630 a month but hardly enough to cover there medical and i have never asked anything from them. I do not claim them on my taxes and they do not file as they do not earn enough. Will i have to include this as my income even though i do not get or want anything from it?
I am also wondering if i have to put them in as household members and can count there out of pocket medical expence since i pay for it? With the mortgage and including them in household i quilify for chapter 7 easly since this makes us family of six. We have no equity in the house what so ever and would like to keep it.
I also have two cars that are paid off but i think can only get about $16,000 for them. I can only exempt $8,500, so i will have to figure out how to pay the trustee or give the car to them. I was thinking about selling the one i drive since it keeps braking down and is high maintenance and buy something else. Would this be a problem?
The other problem is am currently finishing up my master's and am still getting student loans to pay for it until June 2009. I know they are in deferment but i started to pay them a little. Will it be a problem getting student loan (Federal) with an active bankruptcy? I am thinking since mine will be an asset case unless i can sell the car and get one financed it will take a while to close my case.
I am also sure my case would be looked at carfully since i am well over the med. income and have a huge debt. What should i be looking at before i file to make sure all my tee's are crossed and i's are dotted. Thanks again for your help.
I make $96,000 and my wife makes $42,000 a year, we have two young children 5.5 and 3.5 years old. I had been trying to do a loan modifcation for the past six months and have been able to cut my mortgage down from $4,500 to $3,600 a month, this includes taxes and insurance. I am hoping loan modifcation will not get void when i file.
The question i have is that i have my ageing parents (almost 80) living with me and we take care of there needs the best we can. My dad does get social security of about $630 a month but hardly enough to cover there medical and i have never asked anything from them. I do not claim them on my taxes and they do not file as they do not earn enough. Will i have to include this as my income even though i do not get or want anything from it?
I am also wondering if i have to put them in as household members and can count there out of pocket medical expence since i pay for it? With the mortgage and including them in household i quilify for chapter 7 easly since this makes us family of six. We have no equity in the house what so ever and would like to keep it.
I also have two cars that are paid off but i think can only get about $16,000 for them. I can only exempt $8,500, so i will have to figure out how to pay the trustee or give the car to them. I was thinking about selling the one i drive since it keeps braking down and is high maintenance and buy something else. Would this be a problem?
The other problem is am currently finishing up my master's and am still getting student loans to pay for it until June 2009. I know they are in deferment but i started to pay them a little. Will it be a problem getting student loan (Federal) with an active bankruptcy? I am thinking since mine will be an asset case unless i can sell the car and get one financed it will take a while to close my case.
I am also sure my case would be looked at carfully since i am well over the med. income and have a huge debt. What should i be looking at before i file to make sure all my tee's are crossed and i's are dotted. Thanks again for your help.