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re-affirm question

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    re-affirm question

    I have three creditors that I will need to reaffirm...
    One is my car loan, because I can't find a family car for much less then what I owe I might as well keep the car I know and has a 100,000 mile warranty.
    Second is a furniture store, and would rather not have to give back the washer/dryer/computer...and so on.
    Third is dell computer, my laptop. I already paid about half of what the laptop is worth....

    Here are three questions.
    1. If I just give up the laptop, do I get some of the money I already paid for it back? In other words I owe about $500.00 for it, and its not worth much more if even that. The original cost was $980.00. So if they picked it up, would it be an even wash, as if I rented it for $480.00 for the four months I had it?

    2. My lawyer wants my wife's signature on the re-affirm aggreements with all three. She was never on either of the three loans to begin with, why would she need to sign the reaffirmation?

    3. If she does sign the agreement, does that now put her on the hook that she would have otherwise not been responsible for? So, if after discharge, I for some reason default, can they now sue her for what I owe, even though she never signed up for the original loan???
    Filed 09/08/10, $26k unsecured. Plan submitted 09/16/10, $250/mo X 36 Months = $9,000.
    First Payment: 09/28/10 341 Hearing: 10/12/10, Confirmation: 10/28/10
    2nd debtor education course taken: 02/05/13. DISCHARGE: 10/10/2013.

    I would wait on re-affirming the laptop and furniture. Talk to your lawyer. You may be able to get away with a small lump sum payment insted of having to reaffirm.


      Yeah, talk to too your lawyer.

      On secured debts, you really don't need reaffirmation agreements, SO LONG AS YOU KEEP MAKING THE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Also, with debts like Furniture, you might be able to get away with not having to pay back the full balance of what you owe.

      On the car, just make your normal monthly payment. After you file BK, you will probably stop recieving statements (assuming your receive them in the first place), but send the payment anyway. If the car finance company auto-withdraws the payment, that will stop, so you will have to send payment.


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