You could sell the truck. Get a different vehicle with less than 1K in equity. Use the remainder of the money for nessesary living expenses such as doctors visits, dentist appointments, home repairs. Or use it on nondischargable debt such as recent tax debt. Wait a few months and then file.
However, I would run that plan by a lawyer first. If you do it you would need to document, document, document. The truck would need to be sold for fair market value to a non-insider (not family or friends).
Once again if this is the route you choose to take proceed with caution and only with your lawyers okay.
However, I would run that plan by a lawyer first. If you do it you would need to document, document, document. The truck would need to be sold for fair market value to a non-insider (not family or friends).
Once again if this is the route you choose to take proceed with caution and only with your lawyers okay.