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Bipolar Disorder

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    Bipolar Disorder

    After writing this, I know there will be a lot of judgement. But, I'm desperate, and feeling like I can't go on.

    I have bipolar disorder, and this past summer, I had the worst manic episode I've ever had.... I financed a new car $17,000. I really was out of my mind, and believed that there would not be a problem paying for it (August, 2006). It was never done deceivingly. I also racked up close to $8,000 of other debt -credit cards.

    Now the car needs to be repo'd.

    The thing that's worrying me is that I'm so scared about what will happen, it's caused me to say things that aren't true . . .. like i don't have another car -which i do --it's a beater, but a car.... asked if I need a car, I said no ... they didn't believe. they want to know what's different in my life from when i signed the contract until now. i don't know what to say ... have said that i have mounding medical bills, they want to know how much they total -which I don't disclose... i do have about $4,000

    I'm going to have to file chapter 7.... and am so afraid that this car will not be discharged . . . . due to my mental state and saying things I don't mean.

    Should I call them back and be upfront about my illness, that I was literally out of my mind... and there's no way I can pay for this car ... and that I'm filing BK.

    I feel like I've really screwed up, and keep doing so whenever they call. I am so distraught, and can't think straight or talk straight.

    Stop talking to creditors. As for the rest - someone else here can give better advise than I.
    Filed: 10/26/2006
    Discharged: 03/05/2007
    Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund


      First thing is "TO CALM YOURSELF DOWN....................CHILL OUT..... AND GIVE YOUR NERVES A BREAK................

      Bankruptcy is a business decision - not a life-threatening one!!......

      Do not contact any more creditors about anything.....

      If you feel bankruptcy is necessary, then contact 3 bankruptcy attorneys and have a free consultation with them. They can help you more than anyone can.....

      They can look at your situtation, your assets and liabilities, and tell you what action you need to take and what the outcome will be......

      By having 3 consultations, you'll have a good general idea of what your up against and what you need to do......

      Bipolar disorder is an illness, yet in bankruptcy "illness" does not mean much..... its basically a black/white money issue, just like a "gambling problem", overspending/over extending credit, etc. This would also include job loss, etc......

      The bankruptcy court is only interested in "if you can pay anything back to the creditors".............IF NOT......... then so be it......... But the Court makes this decision, not you or me.

      Check in with your 3 attorneys, let us know what they say about your situtation, and we can support you and answer other questions that maybe the attorney's didn't include.

      Getting your emotions under control is "priority one" with 3 attorney's is second, and then making your decision is third.

      After that your life will calm down, and you will find some peace.

      Get back with us......

      Remember, we have all "been there and done it"...............

      "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

      My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


        If you have little or no assets besides the expensive car and your income is less than the means test, take a deep breath and file for bankruptcy by yourself. You will have to allow the car to be repo'ed if you obviously can't make the payments. Chapter 7 is your friend....

        What I said in the above paragraph assumes that you are undergoing some treatment to manage your moods. Having bipolar disorder myself and going $55K in the hole with credit cards and unsecured loans, I've been there and the discharge feels great. Best wishes to you.


          If you are unable to commununicate effectively because you are not able to keep your thinking straight, then you are legally incapable of entering a binding contract. You need to get a lawyer ASAP. This is a mess. If you cannot manage your affairs, then you need the court to appoint someone to manage your affairs for you. Contact the Authorney General's Office of your state. They should be able to help you.

          If you can't think straight or talk straight, then you need help. And fast.

          Good luck.


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