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I am sorry to be such a pain with SO many questions! but I am confused with all the means test/median income posts. I thought if you were under the median income, you could automatically file chapter 7. But, what if even being under the median income, the trustee feels that you have a couple hundred dollars left over? will they force you into a chapter 13 and make you pay it? When I figure my income and expenses, it looks like I have $$ leftover, however, I will be even more broke if i am forced to do a chapter 13. I need about $2000 worth of dental work that I cannot afford! my daughter needs braces and my car is on its last leg. I will never be able to save up for any of those things.
Just because you haven't been to the doctor or dentist lately doesn't mean you aren't going to go at some point. Find out how much the dental work both you and your daughter need costs, add it up, divide by 12, and put that number in on Schedule J.
Same with your car. You know it needs repairs. Get estimates, add it all up, divide by 12 and put that number on Schedule J.
There's a sticky thread at the top of one of the Sections, General BK Talk I believe. It has links for Members. There's a BK Calculator link there to help you remember those non routine types of expenses we all have but forget to budget for.
I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...
There are ALWAYS expenses that you miss. Keep a notebook with you for the next few weeks and write down EVERY penny you spend. Sinkingfast is right...if there are expenses you only incur once or twice a year, still include those! If you are broke at the end of the months then account for that money and include on your expenses. One example that I forgot to list and had to add was my contacts and solutions. I wore disposable dailys and that cost me $50.00 per month! What about haircuts, waxes, manicures (within reason for normal personal hygiene) magazines and newspapers? Also factor in prescriptions for colds/flu (because you will get them). The expenses are there you just have to account for everything.
There are ALWAYS expenses that you miss. Keep a notebook with you for the next few weeks and write down EVERY penny you spend.
Not only what you actually spend, but as you remember things too.
Like dry cleaning. Most people take coats once a year at least.
If you have a fireplace and burn firewood, that's an expense.
You'll be surprised, as you keep a running notebook and jot down things as you think of them, you can really show you DO NOT have any money left at the end of a month.
I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...