I just filed on 18 Oct and got an email with my 341 on 5 Dec. So a couple of questions. I will have two secured loans that I had to keep. One is at $1200 a month @ $115 a month (Secured by household items and my work tools, I am a mechanic so needed), and the other is Snap On (I know I know) thats over 7K. With cross collateralazation, I didn't want to start over while risking my job. So has anyone have experience what I could be looking at after discharge on rebuilding my life since I have 2 immediately reporting? Next question, I burned NFCU for a CC at 3K. I enjoyed banking with them and does anyone know if I pay them after my DC, if they will let me back in (not withstanding the wait of proving I am a good boy again). To help rebuild faster, has anyone paid back Capital One. Two CC for the tune on $1400. I know I wouldnt get a card anytime soon but looking for repairing the relationship with them. The reason I had to file was due to having a heart attack 1 Aug. until then, my payments was on time. Sucky thing there was I thought I didn't have insurance but I apparently I was covered by the VA. Signed me up when I got home from my 1st tour. Anyhoo, my next question is, I looked at my paperwork, and I am missing a collector. The one calling me is based in Canada, they do have an office in Florida though. From research it's from when I had an Anytime Fitness account. So should I tell my lawyer about it (did lack info beside a number and company name) or will it be included anyways since I am a no asset CH7? Also, when should I file my VA disabilities claim? I have my Intent To File in, but knew better to wait until its safe to finish.
I can wait for a few months after DC to clean up my reports but I will need a new vehicle since mine is going bye bye and its dead ( they better grab a tow truck). With my wages, I can afford a new one with atleast a 9% APR and 10K down and with what I know for sure I can get for my VA claim, I will get about 1k a month. Which would be used to pay for the truck and insurance anyways so my work pay isnt used.
Thank you for taking the time to read all that and any help you can provide.
I can wait for a few months after DC to clean up my reports but I will need a new vehicle since mine is going bye bye and its dead ( they better grab a tow truck). With my wages, I can afford a new one with atleast a 9% APR and 10K down and with what I know for sure I can get for my VA claim, I will get about 1k a month. Which would be used to pay for the truck and insurance anyways so my work pay isnt used.
Thank you for taking the time to read all that and any help you can provide.