For the sake of future credit, do you close credit card accounts in good standing on your own? Accounts with small balances? Accounts with $0 balance? What are the chances of accounts with $0 balance not being closed at all?
Any other tips for preserving credit scores or rebounding more quickly? Anything else that should be done now before filing?
How detailed do property inventories get? Are we talking about listing 23 opened containers of cosmetics, 2 half used shampoos, one box of hello kitty doll accessories, etc... or do we say child 1's toys, child 2's toys, etc? Can the same item fit under multiple categories of exemptions? i.e., I use a personally owned computer for work on a daily basis. I also have a family computer at home. Can one be a "tool of the trade" and the other be under the 1 computer exemption?
Any other tips for preserving credit scores or rebounding more quickly? Anything else that should be done now before filing?
How detailed do property inventories get? Are we talking about listing 23 opened containers of cosmetics, 2 half used shampoos, one box of hello kitty doll accessories, etc... or do we say child 1's toys, child 2's toys, etc? Can the same item fit under multiple categories of exemptions? i.e., I use a personally owned computer for work on a daily basis. I also have a family computer at home. Can one be a "tool of the trade" and the other be under the 1 computer exemption?