Hi my husband and I are seriously considering filing ch 13 because we are at our wits end. He is a self employed contractor who makes a lot of money (12K/month) but it is so erratic, because of the nature of his job and when customers pay him etc. we have so many bills that just one month of being behind is pretty much forcing us into bankruptcy. We just built a beautiful home for our four children 2 years ago and I want to do everything in my power to keep it. I work very part time but am mostly a SAHM. What has happened is that he gets deposits from customers for 1/3 labor plus materials...say that job doesn't start for a month or so. And the current job he is on gets delayed...we end up using the deposit money (including material $) to pay our bills, and then just make that up with the next deposit. It's an awful vicious cycle and it finally caught up with us. My major questions are these (we are meeting with an attorney Thursday):
When does one decide to file? If we already know this is what we plan to do, should I just stop paying all of my bills? We have good credit and have been mostly able to keep up until this month our mortgage and car payments are 1-month past due.
How long does the process usually take from filing to starting the plan? 30 days the first payment is due, but how long are bk proceedings?
Since he is self employed, how will the repayment plan work? One lump sum per month, bi-weekly? My biggest fear is not being able to pay one month, not because we won't make the money but because of the unstableness of income from month to month.
Our house probably has about $40,000 in equity, but since we are in PA we can use the federal exemption which would make that null and void ($22,000 each, right?). Does that mean we won't have to pay any unsecured debt?
We are currently on a payment plan to pay $17,000 in back taxes from 2912 when we didn't file quarterlies. We owe another $9,000 for this year. Will that be worked in?
I recently got a loan from lending club to consolidate debt, and I have only made one payment. I feel like such a piece of crap about that. Ugh. This is so upsetting.
ThAnk you in advance
When does one decide to file? If we already know this is what we plan to do, should I just stop paying all of my bills? We have good credit and have been mostly able to keep up until this month our mortgage and car payments are 1-month past due.
How long does the process usually take from filing to starting the plan? 30 days the first payment is due, but how long are bk proceedings?
Since he is self employed, how will the repayment plan work? One lump sum per month, bi-weekly? My biggest fear is not being able to pay one month, not because we won't make the money but because of the unstableness of income from month to month.
Our house probably has about $40,000 in equity, but since we are in PA we can use the federal exemption which would make that null and void ($22,000 each, right?). Does that mean we won't have to pay any unsecured debt?
We are currently on a payment plan to pay $17,000 in back taxes from 2912 when we didn't file quarterlies. We owe another $9,000 for this year. Will that be worked in?
I recently got a loan from lending club to consolidate debt, and I have only made one payment. I feel like such a piece of crap about that. Ugh. This is so upsetting.
ThAnk you in advance