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How my husband filing affects my accounts (AMEX)

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    How my husband filing affects my accounts (AMEX)

    Hi! I found your site while researching how my husband's CH 13 will affect me.

    Short story: we live in Florida - he had 2 houses and lots of cc and tax debt before I met him, when his ex gf moved out (of the house we live in) she took everything so he had very little assets.

    Well the rental house he walked away from (he was losing so much money on it) so after not paying mtg on that for about a year we got scary letters so saw an attny. He advised that the possible judgment on the house, IRS debt, and cc debt was too much for us (him) to ever catch up on and he should file CH 13.

    We have all of our accounts separate and have since we moved in together - I pay my bills and he pays his. I understand they will want to take my income into account when deciding DMI but I worry about my credit cards. I use them responsibly and have great credit. I was an AU on his AMEX but they cancelled that a few months after he stopped paying his other cc's.

    So about 6 months ago I got my own Starwood AMEX to earn points. I was shocked when I asked to make him a AU on my account and they did. I wonder, when he finally does file am I in danger of having my AMEX cancelled just b/c he is an AU?

    Anyone with any experience on this please let me know.
    Last edited by AngelinaCat; 10-31-2013, 11:48 AM. Reason: broke long post into paragraphs to make it easier to read.

    Hi Kerril, welcome to the forum!

    I can't answer your question directly because my 'Hub and I filed a CH7 jointly. And neither of us have ever had an AMEX card.

    However there have been a number of discussions about authorized users and how one affects that card-holder's credit. And it seems to vary from state to state, and especially the issuing agency. You might want to try a search on AMEX or American Express and Authorized Users, in the search feature. Go the the Advanced section and limit yourself to 2012-2013.

    Do you still have your paperwork from AMEX when you got your card?

    I would like to say that his CH13 won't affect you, but I am just not sure right now. There are other posters with more AMEX experience than I have.

    Good luck!
    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


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