Just wanted to say "Hi!" and say that I'm looking to file a Ch. 13 in June or July. I originally filed a 7 about 3.5 years ago but I'm still having financial problems due to a ridiculously high IRS debt ($25k+ and they're getting aggressive) and I got into trouble with credit cards again. I also spent about 2.5 years working for a pathetically low wage which made credit cards tempting again. (The collection calls have already begun.) I've already retained an attorney and the plan is to file after the four years after my 7 have passed (i.e. this summer). However, I'm totally beating myself up about this. I'm in my early 30's and can't believe I'm facing BK yet again. I have no real assets to speak of, I live paycheck to paycheck, and I really thought I would be in a better place at my age.
Has anyone else filed a 13 after a 7 and felt crappy about it? Surely I can't be alone in feeling this way.
Has anyone else filed a 13 after a 7 and felt crappy about it? Surely I can't be alone in feeling this way.