I just mailed my last check check to my trustee
Well I think it may be my last because it's the 60th one but from what I hear I may have to send 1 or 2 more until they tell me to stop but that is fine with me because I am pretty much DONE!!!!!!
It was pure hell at the start mostly because dealing with the lawyers, piles of papers and courts was so intimidating. But once the plan was approves it became a lot easier and I just looked at it like any other bill. I didn't hear from the trustee,a creditor or even my lawyer one time in the past 5 years. the only thing I've been checking is the National Data Center where I'm able to get updates on my account.
What can I expect next? I'm guessing the trustee will contact me? Do I need to do anything else with the lawyer? I don't need to go to court again do I or take any more classes?
I'm in a way better spot financially than I was 5 years ago partly because of a promotion, a couple raises and now I don't have the chapter 13 payment. At some point I'd like to get a new car but first I'll work on rebuilding my credit. I'm sure the credit card offers will start pouring in shortly so I think I'll go that route unless you guys have better suggestions? And trust me, nobody here needs to tell me to be careful with credit I'll never make the mistakes I made in college again.
It was pure hell at the start mostly because dealing with the lawyers, piles of papers and courts was so intimidating. But once the plan was approves it became a lot easier and I just looked at it like any other bill. I didn't hear from the trustee,a creditor or even my lawyer one time in the past 5 years. the only thing I've been checking is the National Data Center where I'm able to get updates on my account.
What can I expect next? I'm guessing the trustee will contact me? Do I need to do anything else with the lawyer? I don't need to go to court again do I or take any more classes?
I'm in a way better spot financially than I was 5 years ago partly because of a promotion, a couple raises and now I don't have the chapter 13 payment. At some point I'd like to get a new car but first I'll work on rebuilding my credit. I'm sure the credit card offers will start pouring in shortly so I think I'll go that route unless you guys have better suggestions? And trust me, nobody here needs to tell me to be careful with credit I'll never make the mistakes I made in college again.