I say "1st" because I doubt our Plan will be confirmed, though the TT has not filed any objection yet with the court, nor notified my attorney of any objections.
The Hearing will be this Thursday.
The problem is that my wife and I need to go out of state to attend a work-related continuing education weekend-long seminar that cannot be missed, and we are leaving Wednesday.
It is also being treated by my wife and I as our 1 chance to "get away" this year, though she will be in classes 8 hours per day Thurs. - Sat., and Sunday morning.
This is in Louisville, KY....so not like we're heading to Vegas or something ridiculous, and we're driving.
This time together is very very important to us considering the stress in our lives the last few years, and the lack of vacations.
Our atty. says its OK if we miss the Confirmation hearing....that we don't need to attend, only he does as our representative.
However, I do know this can vary from Judge to Judge, and from District to District.
I'm wondering if this will be held against us by either the TT or the Judge??? Has anyone heard of that happening??
We asked out atty. if maybe we should get a continuance/delay to the NEXT available date, which is mid-way through May, but he said he would rather go to this one, even without us, just to see where they (Judge, TT) stand in our case.
Worst case scenario is my wife drives down by herself. I attend the hearing the next morning. THEN I get on a Greyhound (spending extra money - approx. $100 - for the ticket, etc.) and suffer through a 12 hour ordeal to get down there....arriving near midnight to meet her.
Seems a bit ridiculous.
I refuse to miss having this away time that we won't possibly be able to have again for another year.
That is unless its going to cost us badly in some manner or fashion. That would figure.
Any opinions? Anyone hear of a situation like this causing problems for the debtor....for instance making the Judge think that we don't take this seriously...which couldn't be further from the truth!!??
The Hearing will be this Thursday.
The problem is that my wife and I need to go out of state to attend a work-related continuing education weekend-long seminar that cannot be missed, and we are leaving Wednesday.
It is also being treated by my wife and I as our 1 chance to "get away" this year, though she will be in classes 8 hours per day Thurs. - Sat., and Sunday morning.
This is in Louisville, KY....so not like we're heading to Vegas or something ridiculous, and we're driving.
This time together is very very important to us considering the stress in our lives the last few years, and the lack of vacations.
Our atty. says its OK if we miss the Confirmation hearing....that we don't need to attend, only he does as our representative.
However, I do know this can vary from Judge to Judge, and from District to District.
I'm wondering if this will be held against us by either the TT or the Judge??? Has anyone heard of that happening??
We asked out atty. if maybe we should get a continuance/delay to the NEXT available date, which is mid-way through May, but he said he would rather go to this one, even without us, just to see where they (Judge, TT) stand in our case.
Worst case scenario is my wife drives down by herself. I attend the hearing the next morning. THEN I get on a Greyhound (spending extra money - approx. $100 - for the ticket, etc.) and suffer through a 12 hour ordeal to get down there....arriving near midnight to meet her.
Seems a bit ridiculous.
I refuse to miss having this away time that we won't possibly be able to have again for another year.
That is unless its going to cost us badly in some manner or fashion. That would figure.
Any opinions? Anyone hear of a situation like this causing problems for the debtor....for instance making the Judge think that we don't take this seriously...which couldn't be further from the truth!!??