Been lurking for a while, so Hi to all and thanks for the awesome information, much appreciated.
We had to file 13 earlier this month - 1st was modified via HAMP, stripping the 2nd - only 1 other loan, no cc debt, keeping the car (outside of 13 plan) as well as the house (1st is also outside of 13 plan).
My question is - what happens if a creditor does not file a claim, yet our plan is tenatively set already at the amount its at? Our 341 isnt until the end of April, however as you all know, the 1st Trustee payment is due way before 341, which we already paid last week for 1 April.
We are below the means test and qual. for a 7, however given we wanted to keep the house due to mod and the 2nd wouldnt work with us at all - we can strip it, so we will do so. Our assets determined our payback as we own our vehicles outright (paid them all off early last year) but husband lost his job unexpectedly, so now our payback is 100% based upon that according to the plan, but technically we're at about 34% of the debt to be paid back (make sense?). $36K in assets (as we're keeping all the vehicles *2007 F250, 2005 Civic Hybrid and our 2006 RV) and our plan so far, has been set at 5 years/$600.00 a month. Ouch...but we'll do it, we dont have a choice.
So lets say since the 2nd charged off (CU will not sell the debt) but they dont file a claim - will that reduce the amount we owe or have to pay every month? I know charge off is a technical term and doesnt release us from the responsibility of the debt, but if they dont file... ????? How would that work? As well as if others dont file?
Will be so glad when the 341 is behind us and this thing gets rolling. Come on 5 years!
Thank you for your time -much appreciated.
We had to file 13 earlier this month - 1st was modified via HAMP, stripping the 2nd - only 1 other loan, no cc debt, keeping the car (outside of 13 plan) as well as the house (1st is also outside of 13 plan).
My question is - what happens if a creditor does not file a claim, yet our plan is tenatively set already at the amount its at? Our 341 isnt until the end of April, however as you all know, the 1st Trustee payment is due way before 341, which we already paid last week for 1 April.
We are below the means test and qual. for a 7, however given we wanted to keep the house due to mod and the 2nd wouldnt work with us at all - we can strip it, so we will do so. Our assets determined our payback as we own our vehicles outright (paid them all off early last year) but husband lost his job unexpectedly, so now our payback is 100% based upon that according to the plan, but technically we're at about 34% of the debt to be paid back (make sense?). $36K in assets (as we're keeping all the vehicles *2007 F250, 2005 Civic Hybrid and our 2006 RV) and our plan so far, has been set at 5 years/$600.00 a month. Ouch...but we'll do it, we dont have a choice.
So lets say since the 2nd charged off (CU will not sell the debt) but they dont file a claim - will that reduce the amount we owe or have to pay every month? I know charge off is a technical term and doesnt release us from the responsibility of the debt, but if they dont file... ????? How would that work? As well as if others dont file?
Will be so glad when the 341 is behind us and this thing gets rolling. Come on 5 years!

Thank you for your time -much appreciated.