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PLEASE, Someone settle my nerves!

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    PLEASE, Someone settle my nerves!

    Filing Ch.13 and we have our first meeting with our attorney tomorrow... nervous as He!!. Please someone settle my nerves.

    The paperwork I put together for the attorney is a mile high. It's more than our house papers, in fact, it includes our house papers! Do I really need all this?

    I filled out the paperwork the attorney sent me and gathered all the information he needs, but if we plan on surrendering our home, doesn't he need our house paperwork as well?

    And we plan on keeping our vehicles, has anyone had to include the original purchase agreement for their vehicles if they plan on keeping them and cramming down?

    I just want to be thorough and have everything on hand. I feel like I will be carrying in my whole filing cabinet... poor attorney!

    Like I said, I'm a bundle of nerves! HELP.

    I just filled out the basic packet, but the more paperwork you have for an initial meeting, the better a picture the attorney will have of the entire situation.
    First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


      It'll be OK, just take a deep breath. I did the same thing for my first meeting with my atty. I had a huge stack of paper. All he kept were my most recent billing statements, my bank statements and my pay stubs. I don't own a house though, and I'm not cramming down my car. But you're prepared for all of that, so bring it with you and let him tell you if he needs it. At least you'll have it if he does!

      I understand the stress and worry. I'm right there with you. I filed last Friday but I'm still so worried about everything. I don't think I'll start sleeping again until I'm confirmed. *sigh*
      Filed Ch 13 - 2/2010
      341 meeting - 4/2010
      Confirmed! - 6/2010


        Thank you for the support.

        I'm such a perfectionist and have had sleepless nights and dreams of living in a shack and having to give the shack back... not kidding. I'm O.K. with surrendering our home, after all we are underwater by almost 250K. It's just the unknown. I have so many questions.

        I think my husband is the lucky one, in the sense that he gets to go to work and keep his mind on other things, while I sit home, buried in paperwork, crunching numbers and gathering every last crumb of our financial trail.

        Lissy, what state are you in and do you know when your 341 meeting is? Again thanks for the supporting words.

        This forum has been my education for the past couple of weeks. Talking to my husband, he looks at me like I'm speaking a different language. Talking about discharge, arrears, means tests, and deficiencies.

        It is definitely going to be an adventure. Not one I really wanted to go on, but I plan on going through it with humor and a smille.


          I am in Florida and no, I don't know when my 341 is yet. I'm like you, I have visions of eating noodles out of a can for every meal and sitting in my apartment 24/7 because I can't afford to put gas in my car to go anywhere. I don't have a problem cutting back my spending and learning to live on a budget. I just don't want to be destitute. And I like to know things too, so all this waiting and wondering is driving me nuts. Trying to hang in there, we'll both get through it!
          Filed Ch 13 - 2/2010
          341 meeting - 4/2010
          Confirmed! - 6/2010


            Funny how the mind works in stressful situations. I'm sure I will be on here through it all, so if you need someone to talk to or vent, send me a note.

            We'll get through it, and I'm sure it will be a lot easier than we think. Good luck with everything.


              I had to supply the original purchase/lease agreements if owed money on & titles to ALL vehicles I had.

              For my house, I just need each appraised, I did not submit any other paperwork on them. I'm only keeping 1 house.

              Nothing to be nervous about. Once you file, you'll find out your 341 date, usually 30-45 days out.
              19% dividend


                Filling out all the paperwork was the worst part for me. The rest was a piece of cake.
                Filed 11-19-09
                341 12-30-09
                8 payments down 52 to go


                  make sure when you do your actual living expenses be sure to include, everything from kids school lunches, supplies, field trips, every litle thing that u can think of. i just spent a week redoing all of mine not a rough estimate. paralegal thinks the $1330 that i have been paying is going to be amended to $690. email me if you need help


                    Living expenses

                    Brokenymom, can your living expenses include birthday gifts for family and what about christmas gifts for my 2 children?


                      First meeting with attorney done!

                      Well, I went in practically carrying my entire filing cabinet of papers and it was a successful first meeting with one glitch.

                      Any other business owners out there that are filing personal bankruptcy, you might as well get the liquidation value of your business before even stepping foot in an attorney's office. We made headway, however everything now waits on the interest we have in the business.

                      And... the waiting continues. Maybe next week we should know whether we file 13 or 7.

                      My nerves were for nothing. The meeting was a piece of cake, it's the unknown that is killing me.

                      Pete42, as far as my extensive research has showed me, yes, you are allowed expenses for birthdays, holidays, misc. How much is allowed under a 13, I'm not sure. You may want to check the U.S. Trustee site for allowable expenses by state. Our expense stood out like a sore thumb, because it was $750/month incl. vacations. Definitely not allowable.

                      I'm in your situation as well. Two kids and lots of family. You may be able to up some of your other expenses in other areas to compensate. Check out the U.S. Trustee site.


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