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Confirmation timeline?

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    Confirmation timeline?

    I filed my case on August 10, 2009; the 341 meeting was on September 25, and I've made five on-time payments since I filed. Is it normal for the case to still not be confirmed? I see many folks on here have their plans confirmed within a few months of filing - I'm almost at double the average time I've seen on this forum. I've received no correspondence from the trustee or the court, and the lawyer says "it'll be automatically confirmed" because the trustee signed off on the plan at the 341 meeting. I'm in central MA - any ideas what might be going on? Are the courts just overwhelmed with cases and can't get to them fast enough, or is there something I should be concerned about in this taking so long?

    Thanks in advance for your response(s).

    I am in AZ and have my 341 was in Aug. I have heard zilch. My state is the highest for Bk's I think....My lawyer told me back in Nov that he had not even heard on people who had filed 3-4 months before me. so???

    we wait...

    Filed July 09
    Confirmation - June 2010
    Final Payment - June 2014 - 7/2/14 DISCHARGED


      Courts are probably backed up. We filed in April, got confirmed in Nov.
      All posts are opinion only- I am not an attorney.


        I am on a interim confirmation right now... Not sure exactly what that means. After my 341 in December my account is showing confimed on 12-18-09... then it has a 3-25-10 confirmation hearing. When I asked the attorney he said as long as one of the creditors doesnt object to the plan it will be officially confirmed in March...
        Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
        Chapter 13 filed 10-21-09
        Discharged 4-13-15


          We are also in Az, filed in April 2009, first payment in May, 341 in June & still not confirmed!!

          We will be making our 9th payment next week!!

          We just keep making our scheduled payments & hope it is all going ok!!


            I filed in July 2008 and am still not confirmed. We had some other issues though with a credit union objecting to our cram down for our car loans. Our attorney has been negotiating with the CU attorney and finally came to an agreement (we gave a little, they gave a little) and my atty filed a new sch j to propose a lower payment due to some other things that have changed, so hopefully it won't take much longer to get confirmed. I'll just say I'm grateful that AZ isn't a state that doesn't start the 60 month clock until confirmation!!


              Originally posted by becky20 View Post
              I'll just say I'm grateful that AZ isn't a state that doesn't start the 60 month clock until confirmation!!
              I didn't even know this was a possibility. Is there an online reference to find out if Texas is one of the states that doesn't start the clock til confirmation?


                We are confirmed!!! We are in Arizona & just got an email form attorney earlier today that we are comfirmed as of 1/25/10 !!! It is also showig on pacer.

                So we are on our way...yea!!


                  Originally posted by grndmom53 View Post
                  We are confirmed!!! We are in Arizona & just got an email form attorney earlier today that we are comfirmed as of 1/25/10 !!! It is also showig on pacer.

                  So we are on our way...yea!!
                  oh yeah !!! its so good to see an Arizonian confirmed...there is hope...gee maybe in 2 more months

                  oh quick question...did your payment stay the same? and was your Trustee Brown or Maney?
                  [Moderator: please send indebt00 a forum PM (private message) about who is your trustee if you wish to share that - thanks! It's never a good idea to put out too much personal information in an open internet forum.]
                  Last edited by lrprn; 01-27-2010, 06:45 PM. Reason: added request for PM

                  Filed July 09
                  Confirmation - June 2010
                  Final Payment - June 2014 - 7/2/14 DISCHARGED


                    Congrats, grndmom! High-fives all around! You're on your way!
                    I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                    06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                    06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                    07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                    10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                    01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                    09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                    06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                    08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                    10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                    Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                      what is pacer?


                        Originally posted by agirlinindy View Post
                        what is pacer?
                        PACER = Public Access to Court Electronic Records.

                        Learn all about PACER here in this forum sticky -

                        There's tons more to find out about how our members use PACER by doing a forum search using PACER as the search term. Good luck!
                        I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                        06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                        06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                        07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                        10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                        01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                        09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                        06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                        08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                        10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                        Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


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