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Vacation, how do u w/Chap 13?

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    Vacation, how do u w/Chap 13?

    How do you save w/o trustee finding out amounts of $$. Any advice? I sure would like to go on a vacation in the three years of making payments.


    Let's get some perspective first, you will be out of debt in 3 years, and I am guessing because you filed chapter 13 there was NO WAY you could have done that on your own. This is a Time for sacrifice so you can financially recover.

    Ok, speech over.

    Well, all you can do is cut spending in areas. If you budgeted 750 for groceries, start shopping at el mercado and only spend $400 per month. Realize, it is not very realistic to save for "luxuries" like vacations. If you are able to save money, it should be for emergencies.
    Last edited by HHM; 11-03-2009, 06:14 AM.


      I'm going to say "ditto" to what HHM said.

      We are 3+ years in to our plan, and have only gone to see our kids & grandkids that live across the country once. There simply isn't enough extra money to save for anything beyond emergencies. (Since our plan started we've replaced a water heater, a clothes dryer, and the biggie - a car.)

      If we had used our emergency funds to travel we would be in deep doo - doo when it came time for the major things that crop up.

      My advice would be to vacation near your home. Go camping, go for day drives to scenic spots or museums, etc.
      Filed Chapter 13 02/2006 - Confirmed 05/2006 - Discharged 09/2011
      I'm not an attorney. My replies are merely suggestions or observations, not legal advice. As always, consult with an attorney before making any decisions.


        We did vacations in our own backyard or day trips within an easy drive that did not cost much (we are lucky that we live only 45 minutes from major eastern shore beaches). Forget taking vacations and focus on the situation at hand - the time will come again when you will be able to go. What we did in order to save for special things like that or for birthdays and holidays is toss our extra change in our pockets/purse in a big jar at the end of each day and not touch it. We always had gas money, gift money and money for sensible holiday presents very easily that way.
        Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
        Early Buy-Out: April 2006
        Discharge: August 2006

        "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


          What's a vacation?
          All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
          Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


            Well, thanks for "advice" to all.

            I was actually meaning a small vacation ($200-$300), like visiting family in FL where we don't need to pay lodging just gas money, etc. I have 2 little ones (3 & 6 yo) and *I* need to get out of the routine frequently or I'll go insane. Don't get me wrong, my boys are my life, but, sometimes a quick getaway is all you need to recharge those batteries.

            With that in mind, I was wondering how do you "save" if everything appears to be accounted for by the trustee, KWIM?


              I take it you haven't filed BK yet?

              The bk trustee does not oversee your case on a month to month basis. Your chapter 13 plan is pretty much fixed at the beginning. About the only oversight in a case is that you will be sending a copy of your tax return to the trustee each year. Other than that, they do not audit your case or request updated bank statements.

              Realize, you won't be able to directly budget this type of expense, but has mentioned above, if you pad other areas of your budget and simply spend less, that is how you accumulate funds.

              But, let me be frank on this point; when you say "I need", that is a choice not a need. You "need" to eat; you don't "need" to take the little ones to grandma's house. Let's call a spade a spade.


                Originally posted by HHM View Post
                I take it you haven't filed BK yet?

                The bk trustee does not oversee your case on a month to month basis. Your chapter 13 plan is pretty much fixed at the beginning. About the only oversight in a case is that you will be sending a copy of your tax return to the trustee each year. Other than that, they do not audit your case or request updated bank statements.

                Realize, you won't be able to directly budget this type of expense, but has mentioned above, if you pad other areas of your budget and simply spend less, that is how you accumulate funds.

                But, let me be frank on this point; when you say "I need", that is a choice not a need. You "need" to eat; you don't "need" to take the little ones to grandma's house. Let's call a spade a spade.
                I am with "H" on this one...the fact we have gotten to this point means we need to make some changes. My wife and I have been through some tough times in the last 2 years (both in the real estate and finance business) and we stopped using all credit cards 2 years ago. We cancelled vacations and cut where we could, including vacations. Despite this, the layoff of my wife and my 40% decline in income has resulted in our situation, so further sacrifices are necessary. Since I plan on being around longer than 5 years, I will get through this and then enjoy life when the plan is completed.

                We have relatives in other states that we are able to drive to and stay at their ain't Disney World, but it gets us out of the house for a few days.
                Take $10 billion from the government and then sue me...nice


                  we are not filing until the spring and are thinking of booking our airfare for a vacation next fall right now so it doesnt become an will be before 90 days of filing so it shouldnt show up anywhere and we arent charging it (paying with debit)........we own a timeshare week in cabo that has been paid for next year already so we will use that and just book our flight now with cash............they may take the timeshare away in the chapter 13 so this might be a last chance to use it........
                  Filed 7/14/11....341 date is 8/23/11


                    We have managed to travel every year since filing our CH 13, but what I do is time it alongside work related trips, and get creative. For example, I had to go to Washington D.C. for 2 days for work this past summer. It's about 6 hour drive, so requested from employer to pay for mileage instead of an airline flight, they agreed provided that I check out the cost of the flight 1st, and only get reimbursed for miles up to that amount. So I got almost $300, more than paid for gas for the trip. Work also gives us a per diem for hotel and food, I was able to find a much cheaper hotel just 1 mile from the meeting site which saved me $100/day. So I took my spouse and son along with me, we stopped in Hershey PA for the night on our way out there and spent 2 extra days in D.C., eating food we brought with us, overall the trip cost me just about $200 out of pocket for 6 days!

                    The summer of 2008 we went to Connecticut for a week. Again, got work to pay mileage and went to a discounted hotel. I worked for 3 1/2 days while spouse and son saw the sites, then had 2 days off where I was with them. That won't work for a stay-at-home Mom, but the point is, you have to be creative in a CH 13. As someone else posted, the trustee doesn't monitor where you spend your money. If you don't want to spend your clothes allowance, you just pick up stuff at the Goodwill or have a friend that wears your size and gives you her cast-offs, no trustee is going to care that you use that $ for a trip to Grandma's instead. I will agree with other's posts, you want to do some pinching and saving for emergencies 1st, but if you have $ built up to handle emergencies, and can then find more $ for a vacation, there is nothing to stop you. The trustee does not monitor where you spend your $, or save it for that matter, just that you pay in what you are supposed to.
                    Filed CH 13 September 17, 2007
                    Plan Modified July 8, 2009 from $1100/month to $400/month due to change in income, finally discharged in July of 2013!


                      You could also sign up for one of those time share seminar things. You'd have to listen to their crap and hard sell tactics, but you get a cheap vacation out of if. Just my .02 Good luck.

                      EDIT: I guess I should have read further before posting. You already have a time share. Oh well maybe you can use the next year.
                      Filed Chapter 13 10/4/04
                      Completed Chapter 13 10/28/09
                      Discharged 1/4/10!!!


                        We really have not had a vacation since before we filed bankruptcy. I am with everyone else. I saved the money in case of an emergency. I can take vacations once I am discharged, but if my vehicle is no longer running and I have no way to pay for the repairs, then I really have a problem.

                        If you want to succeed in your bankruptcy plan, then sacrifices are a must!
                        sigpicPersevere: "To continue a course of action, in spite of difficulty, opposition or discouragement."

                        Chapter 13: Discharged 03/15/2010. Closed 05/19/2010::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


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