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    Our Chapter 13 confirmation hearing is scheduled for 09/17/09 - I thought I would get on National Data Center to see who had filed claims., well I did and now I am totally confused...As of right now we have sent in 3 payments, so we are current @ $340.00 month (agreed upon at 341 meeting). Anyways we are on 100% payback for 60 months which comes to $20,400.00, which doesn't include our tax checks which we were told we had to give anything over $1800.00 to the trustee., which is fine. Now my question is when i was looking at NDC i noticed that my attorney is listed for $3500.00 - I have already paid him $3500.00 before this thing got started (confusin #1), then i noticed that the "claims column" totaled about $1000.00 less then "scheduled amount" and my payback is about $40,000 shy of what these columns are., how can this be? (confusion #2) I am so totally confused!!!!!!!!, oh! and the only monies paid out of the account so far has been to the trustee...oops! and one more question we are suppose to be set up on our monies coming out of dh's checks at work, when does this start happening? Is it normal for them to wait until the confirmation hearing? or should I call our attorney and remind them of this...we signed paperwork for this to go in effect at our 341 meeting. Thanks for any help!!!!
    Date filed: 06/24/2009
    341 Meeting: 07/27/2009
    Plan confirmed: 10/14/2009
    $340.00 per month @ 60 months

    use NDC as a guide only, after watching it for 5 years I can say it drove me crazy. what you see there is not always up to date and accurate.
    DH should check with employer to be sure that they have submitted the paperwork. my attorney handled mine directly and deductions started within one month
    60 Month "Old Law"
    Filed 10/4/2004
    Confirmed 1/2005
    Discharged 9/8/2009


      Our lawyer had my husband sign papers at our 341 meeting for the monies coming out of payroll, because we decided on every two weeks since dh's pay periods will be changing at the first of the year, thats why i was wondering what was taking so long.
      Date filed: 06/24/2009
      341 Meeting: 07/27/2009
      Plan confirmed: 10/14/2009
      $340.00 per month @ 60 months


        it appears that some of your claims came in higher than you listed. Did the creditor add penalities and fees? The trustee will go by what the creditor submits unless you object to the amount claimed by the creditor.

        the attorney has to submit is fee to the court. Hopefully it says zero due.

        Ususally no creditors are paid until after the plan is confirmed.


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