Our total Gross income is $8,850/month. Our Monthly expenses is approx. 6,200. We have $ about $2600 / month difference ( extra)..base on this, how do they calculate your monthly payment in Chapter 13.....
and How is the payment to the trustee being made? mandatory Payroll Deductions or send them a check monthly?
What will happen if your income increases due to Overtime during the 3 to 5 year period?
What happen if you're to receive a tax refund during the 3 or 5 year period? Will the trustee take all the extra money you make?
WE have 150K CC debts and unsecured Personal loans
No assets ( House)
3 cheap cars (0ver 5 years old) paid Off.
Thanks for your help.
Our total Gross income is $8,850/month. Our Monthly expenses is approx. 6,200. We have $ about $2600 / month difference ( extra)..base on this, how do they calculate your monthly payment in Chapter 13.....
and How is the payment to the trustee being made? mandatory Payroll Deductions or send them a check monthly?
What will happen if your income increases due to Overtime during the 3 to 5 year period?
What happen if you're to receive a tax refund during the 3 or 5 year period? Will the trustee take all the extra money you make?
WE have 150K CC debts and unsecured Personal loans
No assets ( House)
3 cheap cars (0ver 5 years old) paid Off.
Thanks for your help.