I naively thought post discharge I wouldn't hear from any creditors from my bankruptcy period. A few months afterwards I received a private student loan collections. I wasn't sure what it was for and asked for clarification and they sent my original application (from 2006) and my payment schedule. My last payment was months before I initially filed in 2010 (filed several times) so I asked my attorney what to do and he suggested I reply something to the effect of the statue of limitations for collecting a debt. He said they may argue that the clock was reset or that student loans are exempt but I haven't heard anything from them since so hopefully that was solved since it was a privately funded student loan (Citibank).

Yesterday I got an official looking envelope from Arch MI and opened it and subject line said "Account Snapshot" then below listed information from an account that is purportedly mines that had a last payment in 2016 (during my bankruptcy) for 128.75 and next payment due 02/01/2015? with a balance of 8,940 and amount due of 2,925. It says for questions to call a person/phone number or go to website to pay online. At bottom is says that "This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose."

Since it is NOT labeled a Bill or Collection I am hoping that this is merely a request for me to pay with no repercussions if I don't but wanted to know what others think since I was just going to do nothing and see what is sent next.