So, I actually got my discharge papers a couple of months ago. However, still waiting for the case to close.
Today, on NDC, I noticed that my case has been changed from completed pending FRA to just completed. Seeing that there was movement on NDC, I run to Pacer and find that the trustee has posted his final report and accounting on my case. Paid 31% to unsecured creditors.
It is only a matter of time before my case is officially closed and I'll be able to put this behind me.
Today, on NDC, I noticed that my case has been changed from completed pending FRA to just completed. Seeing that there was movement on NDC, I run to Pacer and find that the trustee has posted his final report and accounting on my case. Paid 31% to unsecured creditors.
It is only a matter of time before my case is officially closed and I'll be able to put this behind me.