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Date for 341 Hearing

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    Date for 341 Hearing

    Found out today my 341 hearing will be on Dec 3, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. An early Christmas present, I hope!

    Actually, that is supposed to be Dec 23rd, not the 3rd.


      Best of luck. Read the Stickie on 341 meetings. Lots of good advice. If you have been honest and complete in tour filing you have nothing to fear. Relax it is almost over
      Lawyer - $3000
      Filing fee - $299
      Fresh Start - Priceless


        Yes, it will be the best Christmas present ever. I still remember, to this day some 5 years later, the feeling of relief that I had when I walked from the building. My gait was a little faster, my head held high, and despite the $17 I had in my pocket to take a cab "half-way" home... I felt like the richest person in the world.

        I remember that day I had to use a payphone from a hotel half-way from my house, so that I could get a ride the other 10 miles to my house. I couldn't even afford the money to put into the phone. I ended up using my debit card where I had very little money for the next 2 weeks. I was still quite happy. (I owned a cellphone, but I thought they weren't allowed in the "courthouse" only the 341 Meeting was not in the "secure" area of the courthouse! If I had only known.)
        Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
        Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
        Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

        Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


          Thank you for your comments!


            Would it be worthwhile to attend a 341 hearing before my hearing actually happens?


              I thought I would attend a 341 hearing in advance because I figured it would calm my nerves. I didn't, though, and in retrospect it wouldn't have helped at all. Plus, at least for my district, the 341s are in a somewhat small area and there is no good place to just be a fly on the wall.

              I do not think going to a 341 will be worthwhile, but it you really want to then there is no reason why you can't.
              Chapter 7, above median, no asset. Discharged with no UST involvement.


                Thanks for the response. I have decided not to attend. I will just wait for my hearing.


                  how did it go? I hope everything went well for you.


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