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341 this morning TOUCHDOWN~!! Chap 7 pro se

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    341 this morning TOUCHDOWN~!! Chap 7 pro se

    You seen my posts- my worries.

    Hearing was at 9:30. I got there at 9AM- because one can never tell which roads are detoured per road construction.

    MY paper work says 30 days? I thought the wait was 60 days? I prayed with my neighbor this morning. The 9AMs were finished early- and the man began the 9:30s at 9:25 AM. I was first to be called.

    I was over prepared. I had everything neatly co-lated in a 3 ring binder. I had a calm, serene tone to my voice.

    The only thing he delved into was the value of my house. (no one showed up to depute the chapter 7)

    He asked how much my house was worth- with out any hesitation or nervousness I said $32,500. (I paid that price in 2007, when the bubble was at its peak.) He asked me when I knew I was going to have to file and I told him 2010. He asked the reason I had to file and I told him credit cards.

    1. Here are my concerns. I filed 2 motions to vacate judgement. Nothing was mentioned or asked on that.

    2. I am claiming my fed student loan. I participated in the 3 year permanent and total disabled program that then deletes this loan. In my original papers I submitted the paper work - about all this. They then needed an updated address and sent me a latter. I sent them the updated correct address

    Memory is fuzzy- I do not know if he asked if I got rid of any property in the last year. In the paperwork- I stated I junked my old car for $250. Nothing on this was mentioned at the hearing.
    Discharged- pro se- chapter 7~!

    Congratulations on your filing. Your Motions to Vacate Judgment should have either used your Court's local rules for "negative noticing" or you need to actually speak with the Clerk's office to schedule a hearing on those items.

    As for your Federal Student loan, you generally need to actually file a Complaint (adversary proceeding) in order to have those discharged.

    Your wait should be 30 days, unless you had a prior 341 Meeting that was continued or re-scheduled. It is always 60 days from the first scheduled 341 Meeting. Or, your paperwork is speaking about deadlines for the Trustee such as the deadline to file an objection to claims of exemptions.
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      Congratulations on getting through your 341 so nicely!
      "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

      "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


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