We are hitting our 341 early next week for our c7. Had my last meeting with the lawyer today to prepare. He said relax, its not an inquisition, everything will be fine. Looking so forward to getting past this part. One of the lawyers from the firm will be there with us and we will get there an hour early to watch. Any other advice?
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pretty nervous
If you haven't already, read some threads about people's 341s. You will see that most people laugh at how worried they were.
Answer only the questions you are asked without offering additional information. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't guess. Just say you don't know. You can provide additional information later if necessary. But, chances are the questions will be very routine and easy as long as you know your name and occupation.
Don't forget to bring photo ID and your social security card.
Otherwise, take your attorney's advice:He said relax, its not an inquisition, everything will be fine.LadyInTheRed is in the black!
Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
$143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!
Relax. I remember both my 341 Meetings and I was nervous at both (and they were 22 months apart!). There was nothing to be nervous about. I guess it is the anticipation. I will tell you this. When you walk out that 341 Meeting, your step will seem a little lighter and a big grin will replace whatever expression you had on your face prior to the meeting.
For now, just relax!Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog
Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.
I worried for nothing. We even had the US TT question things, we provided all paperwork ask for. Could not sleep for a few days before. Hubby and I were short with each other all due to nerves . Didn't listen to the good people on this board they were right, it was done and over in a matter of 5 minutes and 60 days later discharged and closed.
all of the above so true.
however, there is anyways the chance the trustee may ask you more than the norm. just be prepared and always be truthful.
i want to say ours went so smoothly it was unreal, until the trustee asked me about some out of state property transfer that i thought was already resolved prior to the 341, i froze, and said, i already sent everything to your office directly, but i have a copy right here if you require it? the trustee looked at my atty and said, we will discuss this over lunch!! LOL!! lunch? that worked for me.
a few hours later our atty called and said the ONLY reason it was asked was to be put formally on the record. so sometimes you may be asked question, just again, be prepared and truthful, that always works. say you don't know if you cant remember, do not guess. it's just that simple. good luck, it will go perfect!8/4/2008MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! http://www.bkforum.com/blog.php?32727-tobee43 and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK http://www.bkforum.com/group.php?groupid=9
Originally posted by Greysky View PostThanks Tobee, I have been pouring over the forums all morning. Our meeting is this afternoon. I found a few small discrepancies in our paperwork that I will advise our lawyer of. I don't think it is anything that should throw up a red flag. Fingers crossed.
best of luck, again you'll be just fine!8/4/2008MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! http://www.bkforum.com/blog.php?32727-tobee43 and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK http://www.bkforum.com/group.php?groupid=9
Meeting Over!
I'll do a recap because it helped me reading other people's experiences and its nice to finally contribute to the forum instead of asking so many questions.
We left super early, like more than 2 hours early and got there pretty quick. We found the office to confirm that we were in fact in the right place. We had so much time to kill so my wife and I went to look at a college campus that she had been wanting to see and was only a mile or so down the road. For some reason this helped me get some of the jitters out.
We made it back to the trustees office and still had about an hour before they started so we just hung out outside under a tree and tried to enjoy the weather. A half hour before we go into the waiting room and sit. Our Lawyer who is representing us walks in and calls our name. He isn't the attorney we have been working with for the past 5 months but we knew this and our main attorney told us this is what would happen. He walked us into the main room, told us how things would work then we went into a private office to go over any last second issues. He was relaxed and it helped us relax as well. He asked us a few points about our case and told us how to answer some of questions that might arise. Last night I found a problem with on of the credit cards on the statement and the last day it was used. Our court papers stated it was used in 2011 but it was last used early this year and the credit card statement reflected this. We also sold a vehicle last year that wasn't listed in our paperwork so I wanted to make sure that he knew about that. Our Attorney told us when to bring this up to the trustee and said it shouldn't be a problem. Last thing he told us before we left the office was that the Trustee was a good guy and fair but that he would have his game face on. Don't worry.
We got to watch a few people go up in front of us. Some were quick and easy, some were people who spoke another language and I can see that the language issue was creating problems for them even with a translator and lawyer.
We were called up and we sat with the trustee between us and our Lawyer. We were sworn in and he started to run through the basic questions. When he got to the part about wether or not there are any mistakes in our paperwork I said yes. I told him about the credit card usage date and he seemed kind of relieved and moved on. When he asked about assets sold in the past for years I told him about the car we sold last year. He asked how much did we sell it for and what did we do with the proceeds. We told him we bought a used car and used the rest to pay off credit cards. He then asked when we bought our house and for how much. We told him. He handed back our licenses and SS cards and said thank you. We were done.
Our Lawyer shook our hands, handed us some paperwork, and said good luck. Should be about 60 days. That was it.
when you told the trustee about your "discrepancies", which i just read, he most likely smiled to himself, why? because it showed our truly honest and forthright you were trying so hard to be with them. these two things you mentioned were really non issues, but the mere fact you brought them up really shows how sincere you are.
best of luck, GREAT job! and welcome to the 60 day DANCE club!8/4/2008MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! http://www.bkforum.com/blog.php?32727-tobee43 and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK http://www.bkforum.com/group.php?groupid=9
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