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341 in 2 hours

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    341 in 2 hours

    I think I might throw up.

    Chapter 7 filed 6 weeks ago.

    We really want to reaffirm our mortgage, but attorney says no. We owe $80,000 and could sell for $120,000. Payment $600. We just want it to report on our credit. I'm rambling, we will heed the attorneys advice and not reaffirm, but we really want. We can alway refinance down the road.

    Hi Greenturtle, welcome. I'm not a mortgage/BK expert, but wanted to tell you before you leave for your meeting, do a search on here and see what others experiences and advice are. Your attorney appears to be giving you good advice, consistent with everything I've read here.

    Maybe there's time for the experts to chime in, but do as your attorney says, and check back in here later today. You'll get lots of help here, and meanwhile, relax. According to reports here, the majority of 341's take only a few minutes and I'm sure you'll do fine. Remember, when the trustee asks you questions, keep your answers simple; yes sir/ma'm, no sir. Don't volunteer any long explanations.


      By the time you read this it will all be over. Wishing you well and welcome. Let us know how it went!

      Keep On Smilin'


        It's over!!!

        We were the last of about 10 cases, so we sat for probably 70-75 minutes. He asked:

        Did you read and sign the documents
        Did you do 2012 taxes
        He asked others what they did with their refund, but we owed so he didnt ask that.
        He asked if we owed any child support
        Are you expecting an inheritance?

        It was pretty fast. Faster than most since we didnt have garnishment, foreclosure, reposession or anything. No creditor showed for us, a couple creditors showed for a couple people before us. Mostly for toys like snowmobiles and 4 wheelers they wanted back.

        That's it really. Do glad it's over!!!
        Last edited by greenturtle; 05-15-2013, 11:15 AM.


          Welcome to the 60-day club! So glad it went well for you!


            Oh and we didn't reaffirm our mortgage with BofA, we will just stay and pay. We are not behind.

            We did reaffirm our car, it was through a credit union, it only has 1 year of payments left and we are not behind. We reaffirmed that 2 weeks ago, the credit union insisted. Which we were fine with, my lawyer not so much. But only 12 more payments and we are done with that.


              Keep in mind that banks often don't report to the credit agencies even if you do reaffirm a mortgage. Putting yourself on the hook for a $80,000 debt is not worth positive entries on a credit report anyway. Just keep records of your timely payments in case you need it during a refinance or to get a mortgage for a future.
              LadyInTheRed is in the black!
              Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
              $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


                Welcome to the club


                  We had our 341 a few days ago. I literally almost had to pull over to throw up on the way there. I got NO sleep the night before. There were also about 10 others in our hour filing time. The TT didn't ask us anything out of the ordinary. It lasted about 2 minutes. We are well over the median so I was really worried! Atty says we got the toughest TT but if he didn't have an issue to discuss at the 341 then we are on the discharge track! Crossing my fingers.


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