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So today i was notified of my date and time for my 341.. I am a bit nervous, just because of the unknown, but i am also excited and ready to start my new financial freedom...
Read through the 341 thread, especially some of the stickies. Those will give you an idea of what to expect and how to prepare.
Good luck to you! I am looking forward to giving you your Dance of Victory!
Thank you, i have read through the some of the 341 most of the one's that did not go well, as well as one that went well. I am with you and ready for the victory dance.
Mine went well today. I had read a lot of scary stories, but now think that either only people with bad experiences post or individuals troll (possibly creditors) to scare people into not filing and instead try to negotiate settling their debts.
Most of the reports I've seen are along the line of "omg can't believe how worried I was; over and done in 5 minutes"
Almost surely, OP, you will say the same thing
Mostly it's about being prepared and being honest. Reading up here is an excellent way to achieve both of those.
Doing too much reading can make you more scared. The questions asked are rather quick and to-the-point. Do you still live at the residence you filed at, did you read the petition and sign it, etc. When you go into the meeting, hopefully there will be a couple of cases before yours and you can hear the questions the trustee asks. I tend to get nervous but was so overwhelmed by the fact that my attorney didn't show up (!) that I completely forgot to be nervous. lol Oh, and be sure to know what your tax refund was and what you did with the funds. That is a question everyone was asked at ours because many of us filed around tax season. You don't need to supply any documentation re: what you used the funds for, just know what they went toward (ideally utilities, rent, etc.).
You can even do a dry run and go sit in on some cases any time before the big day. It may help ease your fears of what to expect and it will help you be prepared to find the place and parking.
I want to thank everyone for the words of wisdoms. I decided i am not going to worry or stress over it anymore. I have nothing to hide so there should not be anything to worry or strees over. I have filed and theres no going back from here, i see a brighter financial future for my family and I and that is what i am looking forward too. Like my co worker tells me "STOP BORROWING TROUBLE" all will be good I have a little over 2 weeks before my 341 I will keep everyone posted.
Honestly I think this forum sometimes scares people with the 341s. It's really nothing to worry about. I think you are just more likely to hear about the bad experiences people have had on this forum than the hundreds of 341s that went off without any issues. Don't lose any sleep over it. There's no reason to stress over it, that's what you pay the attorney for.
Honestly I think this forum sometimes scares people with the 341s.
Maybe sometimes. But for the most part, I think people come here already scared and we reassure them. The 341 horror stories are not nearly as prevelant as the "what did I worry so much about" stories.
LadyInTheRed is in the black!
Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
$143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!