Thanks to these forums and lots of reading I went into this meeting not even slightly nervous. The trustee had to be one of the most soft spoken nicest lawyers I had ever seen. Each case took about 5-10 minutes tops, I assume most were no asset cases such as mine. After the standard questions of which there were about 10-15 of I was free to go.
I am in the middle GA area if that helps anyone who maybe in the same district. I had checked reaffirm when it came to my mortgage but after much reading here and clarification on my part I will not be signing any reaffirm paperwork and will continue to make my on time payments as I have been doing. The question of reaffirmation was not even asked. Luckily I was able to refi my home before I filed, so all in all I am thinking I am squared away for now.
Once again thank you to all those that contribute to this site and help others on this hard journey to a fresh start.
I am in the middle GA area if that helps anyone who maybe in the same district. I had checked reaffirm when it came to my mortgage but after much reading here and clarification on my part I will not be signing any reaffirm paperwork and will continue to make my on time payments as I have been doing. The question of reaffirmation was not even asked. Luckily I was able to refi my home before I filed, so all in all I am thinking I am squared away for now.
Once again thank you to all those that contribute to this site and help others on this hard journey to a fresh start.
